Monday morning at 7-8AM tune in (KPFK 90.7 fm) or log on:
Nobel Peace Prize nominee David Swanson on the virtues of the American-Iranian diplomatic deal. Will it pass this hawkish Congress or will they reject diplomacy for another war.
Ben Beachy Research Dir of Global Trade Watch for Public Citizen on the future of the TPP, the trade agreement that gives corporations final say over government rule. Can this assault on democracy be defeated in this right wing Congress?
Dr. Paul Song, Chair of the Courage Campaign joins us with facts & myths about Obamacare. Is it another gift to the insurance companies and big pharma or can it actually lead to Medicare for All.
Lila Garrett (Host of CONNECT THE DOTS)
KPFK 90.7 FM in LA; 98.7 Santa Barbara; 93.7 San Diego;
99.5 China Lake
Airs Mondays from 7AM to 8AM.
Link to my program page
Link to my podcasts
Each show is online for three months.
2 Responses
Listened to your show on 1/20/2020 and was enlightened by the subject matter. i an hoping to get the names of the guests.
which show?