10 December 2014. After many months of preparations, the IPB is delighted to announce the launch of the all-year-round Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS). Today is Human Rights Day, so the timing is very appropriate! Today’s launch sees the unveiling of our new Campaign website – at the same address as the GDAMS one: www.demilitarize.org. Check it out! See the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) brochure for a full description.
The new campaign was announced today at the Future of Human Rights Forum event entitled ‘Divest from War: Invest in Our Future‘ at the UN in Geneva. You may check out Global Day for specific information about the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS).
What you can do:
- Disseminate this info through your networks–website, newsletter, social media, e-groups
- Start planning your group’s events/actions — for the next Global Day (April 13, 2015) or at any other time.
- Consider longer-term plans for involvement in the GCOMS World Congress, to be held in BERLIN on 23-25 Sept 2016. You may wish to join the ‘prepcomms’ before that.
- Send us your news, proposals, pictures, videos, comments…. let’s make this an ongoing festival-of-protest against the militarism of our times!
- Please write to: mailbox@ipb.org