By International Peace Bureau, June 1, 2023
International peace organizations such as International Peace Bureau; CODEPINK; World Assembly of Struggles and Resistances of the World Social Forum; Transform Europe, Europe forPeace; International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR); Peace in Ukraine Coalition; Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS); together with Austrian organizations: AbFaNG (Action Alliance for Peace, Active Neutrality and Nonviolence); Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation (IIRC); WILPF Austria; ATTAC Austria; International Fellowship of Reconciliation – Austrian branch; call for an international meeting of peace organizations and civil society, organized on the 10th and 11th of June.
The aim of the International Peace Summit is to publish an urgent global appeal, the Vienna Declaration for Peace, calling on political actors to work for a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine. Prominent international speakers will point to the danger around the growing escalation of the war in Ukraine and call for a reversal towards a peace process.
Speakers include: Former Colonel and Diplomat Ann Wright, USA; Prof. Anuradha Chenoy, India; Advisor to the President of Mexico Father Alejandro Solalinde, Mexico Member of the European Parliament Clare Daly, Ireland; Vice President David Choquehuanca, Bolivia; Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, USA; Former UN Diplomat Michael von der Schulenburg, Germany; as well as peace activists from Ukraine and Russia.
The conference will also discuss controversial issues related to Russia’s war of aggression in violation of international law War. Civil society representatives from across Europe, North America, Russia and Ukraine will discuss together along side participants from the Global South to report on and discuss the dramatic consequences of this war for the people in their countries as well as how they can contribute to peace. The conference will focus not only on criticism and analysis, but also on creative solutions and ways to end the war and prepare for negotiations. This is not only the task of states and diplomats, but nowadays more and more the task of global civil society and especially the peace movement. The invitation and the detailed program for the conference can be found at
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Organizations must have an active role in coexistence and local and international peace, and this will only be within the framework of broad international alliances of organizations from different countries of the world.