We are taking orders for our 2016 Keep Space for Peace Week (October 1-8) poster now just before we go to print. We feel this poster reflects the growing dangers of the US/NATO encirclement of Russia and the Obama ‘pivot’ into the Asia-Pacific to “contain” China. Please help us spread word about this provocative Pentagon operation.
We urge people to organize local events during space week to help bring attention to these important issues.
Posters are $3 each or five for $12. You can order online at https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/Space4Peace (type your order into the ‘Feedback’ box) or send a check to Global Network, PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME 04011. Add $10 for any international orders of more than 5 posters.
Call (207) 443-9502 with any questions.
Thanks for your support.