

The vast majority of people who experience war directly, first-hand, rather than through Hollywood movies or politicians' speeches, are the people who live where wars are waged.生活在发动战争的人中,而不是直接通过好莱坞电影或政客的演讲直接经历战争的绝大多数人。 In wars involving distant wealthy nations on one-side, some 95% of those killed or injured or traumatized, and 100% of those bombed out of their homes are people against whom war is waged, most of them civilians and the rest of them people doing exactly what any Hollywood movie or politician would tell them —在一方面涉及遥远富裕国家的战争中,约有XNUMX%的被杀或受伤或受创伤的人,而被炸毁在其家中的人中有XNUMX%是发动战争的人,其中大多数是平民,其余的人完全按照好莱坞电影或政治家告诉他们的那样做- 告诉过他们 要做:反击。

But there remains that other group, the invaders from a distant wealthy land.但是,还有其他一群人,他们是从遥远的富裕土地上入侵的。 They're much smaller in number but their numbers are still large, and — just like the people they attack — their suffering is它们的数量要少得多,但数量仍然很大,而且就像他们攻击的人一样,他们的苦难 持久的。 More of them die from其中更多人死于 自杀 战争结束之后,据说战争结束了。 他们带回家的疾病和精神障碍影响着他们,周围的人和其他尚未出生的人。 他们要么被嘲笑为失败者,要么被用作出售更多战争的道具–在世界最大民主国家中,人们拥有选择权。 选择在创建更多人时嘲笑退伍军人的党或在创建更多人时嘲笑退伍军人的党。 如果在圣选日没有这两个选择,那为什么,您应像所有反对战争的不民主人士一样遭到轰炸。

What do veterans think of war?退伍军人如何看待战争? Nancy Hill asked dozens of them and has published their answers and photographs of them.南希·希尔(Nancy Hill)问了数十个问题,并发表了他们的答案和照片。 She has included US veterans from World War II through current wars.她囊括了从第二次世界大战到当前战争的美国退伍军人。 She has included multiple perspectives.她具有多种观点。 While many of those in her book,虽然她书中的许多书 战争:退伍军人的声音,是出色的反战组织“退伍军人争取和平”的成员,而且该样本肯定不能代表整个美国退伍军人,这里有些人谴责,有些则大肆宣扬战争宣传。

“战争是对企业精英的剥削。” –Harvey L Thorstad。

“士兵保护其他权利,即使您不同意政府的行为,也必须保护自己的自由。” –朱迪斯·林恩·约翰斯顿。


There's a range also from eloquence to incoherence, from poetry to illiteracy.从口才到语无伦次,从诗歌到文盲,范围也很广。 But collectively, the statements of these veterans begin to paint a picture that is not to be found on corporate television or in a video game designed by the US Army.但总的来说,这些退伍军人的言论开始描绘出在公司电视或美国陆军设计的视频游戏中找不到的画面。

“您不会被枪杀并躺下,直到起床时数到五十,然后重新回到比赛中。” –托马斯·布朗

“我的好友中的一人在罗利的一家医院里。 –查尔斯之战

Why didn't he just crack a joke after killing the girl like they would have done in a movie?他为什么不杀了那个女孩,就像在电影中那样,只是开个玩笑? Was he weak and delicate, not up to the standards of Donald Trump who can barely get through a negative comment by a TV personality without exhibiting PTSD symptoms?他是否虚弱细腻,不符合唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的标准,而唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在不表现PTSD症状的情况下几乎无法接受电视人物的负面评论? No, he was normal.不,他很正常。 War is not.战争不是。

“一个普通人不想杀人,并且会不惜一切代价避免杀人。 –拉里·克施纳(Larry Kerschner)

“战斗结束后,幸存者的内and和幸存者的喜悦在您的灵魂中发动了自己的战争。 –格雷格·希尔


“您应该知道战争不是一场浪漫的冒险。 您将成为杀人机器的一部分,并且即使您从未扳动扳机或投下炸弹,也无辜杀害了无辜平民,摧毁了城市,破坏了环境。” –艾伦·霍尔马克

“在服兵役时,不要对自己或孩子撒谎[原文]。 Don't let them grow up to be dead soldiers.”不要让他们长大后成为死去的士兵。” –Penny Dex佩妮·德克斯(Penny Dex)

When you speak against war, at least if you're not a veteran, you're usually accused of “hating the troops.”当您反对战争时,至少如果您不是退伍军人,通常会被指控“讨厌部队”。 I don't.我不。 I adore the troops.我崇拜部队。 I love them so much that I want to offer them the option of a free quality college education and a satisfying, useful job with a living wage, as an alternative to enlistment.我非常喜欢他们,因此我想为他们提供选择,使他们可以选择免费的优质大学教育和一份令人满意的,有薪水的有用工作,以代替入伍。 If you do not want to offer them that choice, I have to inquire: why don't you love them more than you do?如果您不想为他们提供这种选择,我必须询问:您为什么不比他们更爱他们? What are they to you, fools and suckers, or props for propaganda?他们对你来说是什么,傻瓜和傻瓜,还是宣传的道具?


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