

By 大卫斯旺森9月26,2020

唐纳德·特朗普和乔·拜登都是运动员 谁得到了 参加越南,老挝和柬埔寨男人,女人和儿童的大规模屠杀的延误和可疑的医疗豁免。

The common criticism of one or the other of them, based on partisan loyalty, is that he should have participated in mass murder.基于游击队的忠诚度,对其中一个的普遍批评是他本应参加大规模杀人案。 Questioning this notion results, most often, in质疑这一概念通常会导致 广告人身攻击 对发问者的攻击:但是您当时不在那儿,您不知道该怎么办,等等。

But we know what thousands of young men did: they refused to go.但是我们知道成千上万的年轻人做了什么:他们拒绝参加。 Many chose not to use available deferments, preferring to refuse to go.许多人选择不使用可用的延期,而是拒绝参加。

8月XNUMX日,您将可以在线观看电影 说不的男孩.



Watch the movie and see what you think.看电影,看看你的想法。 Listen to them speaking for themselves.听他们为自己说话。 They made a conscious and deliberate moral choice, and articulated it clearly and persuasively.他们做出了有意识和蓄意的道德选择,并清楚而有说服力地阐明了这一选择。 It was a publicly knowable option that Trump and Biden chose not to take.特朗普和拜登选择不采用这是一个众所周知的选择。

Dan Ellsberg visited a draft resister in prison and was inspired if not shamed into releasing the Pentagon Papers.丹·艾尔斯伯格(Dan Ellsberg)参观了监狱中的一名抵抗者草案,并受到鼓舞,即使不羞于发布五角大楼文件。 Neither Trump nor Biden seems to have been moved in any way.特朗普和拜登似乎都没有任何动静。


SNCC提倡拒绝草案,并受到大多数民权组织的谴责。 SNCC制作了漫画来推广它。

570,000人抵抗或逃避。 200,000个正式拒绝。 20,000人被起诉。 8,000人被定罪。 4,001被送入监狱。

说不的男孩  改变了和平运动的其他部分,但在拒绝草案方面做得非常出色,提供了所采取行动之时的镜头,以及为什么年轻人在草案办公室外空飘动,导致思想改变的影响的原因他在最后一刻拒绝上演,拒绝举行集会,烧毁选秀卡,封锁装满应征人员的公共汽车,穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali),琼·贝兹(Joan Baez)和本杰明·斯波克(Benjamin Spock)等公众人物对Berrigans采取的行动的重要性。

这是一个重要的故事。 看它.


电影提到了美国的死亡,但没有提到越南人。 那是不可原谅的。 美国死亡人数占死亡人数的1.6%。 哈佛大学医学院和华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所在2008年进行的一项研究估计,在美国参与越南战争期间,有3.8万暴力战争死亡,北方和南方的战斗和平民死亡。 平民死亡人数超过战斗死亡人数,约占死亡总数的三分之二。 受伤人数要多得多,根据南越医院的记录,三分之一的妇女和13岁以下的四分之一的孩子在58,000岁以下。美国的伤亡人数包括153,303人死亡和2,489人受伤,另有3.8人失踪。 40万人口中的10万人损失了将近XNUMX%。 战争蔓延到邻国。 随后发生了难民危机。 直到今天,环境破坏和延迟死亡(通常是由于橘子特工造成的)仍在持续。 以上数字不包括老挝人和柬埔寨人的死亡,也不包括越南人,老挝人,柬埔寨人和美国人因战争相关的伤害或战争相关的自杀而死亡的人数。

The film does not comment on the draft or Selective Service today or the moves to expand draft registration to women.这部电影没有评论今天的选秀或选拔服务,也没有评论将选秀登记扩大到女性的举动。 But many advocates for peace wrongheadedly support the draft as a supposed path to peace.但是许多维护和平的倡导者错误地支持该草案,认为它是通向和平的道路。 Although a big part of the peace movement they remember was resistance to the draft, they believe the draft inspired the peace movement which helped end the war.尽管他们记得和平运动的很大一部分是对草案的抵抗,但他们认为草案启发了和平运动,从而有助于结束战争。


我非常确信和平运动缩短并结束了对越南的战争,更不用说将总统撤职,帮助通过其他进步立法,教育公众,向世界传达美国隐藏的礼仪。 , - 哦,顺便说一下 -  结束草案。 And I have zero doubt that the draft had helped to build the peace movement.我毫不怀疑该草案有助于建立和平运动。 But the draft did not contribute to ending the war before that war had done far more damage than has any war since with the possible exception of war in Congo.但是,在刚果战争可能造成的例外之前,该草案没有造成战争结束,因此战争所造成的损害远远超过任何战争。

We can cheer for the draft ending the war, but four million Vietnamese lay dead, along with Laotians, Cambodians, and over 50,000 US troops.我们可以为结束战争的草案欢呼,但是有1973万越南人,老挝人,柬埔寨人和XNUMX万多美军丧生。 And as the war ended, the dying continued.随着战争的结束,垂死的继续。 Many more US troops came home and killed themselves than had died in the war.与在战争中丧生的人数相比,更多的美军返回家园并自杀身亡。 Children are still born deformed by Agent Orange and other poisons used.儿童仍然因橙色剂和其他使用的毒药而变形。 Children are still ripped apart by explosives left behind.儿童仍然被留下的炸药撕开。 If you add up numerous wars in numerous nations, the United States has inflicted death and suffering on the Middle East to equal or surpass that in Vietnam, but none of the wars has used anything like as many US troops as were used in Vietnam.如果将许多国家的多次战争加在一起,美国在中东造成的死亡和苦难等于或超过越南,但没有一场战争使用的美军数量超过了越南。 If the US government had wanted a draft and believed it could get away with starting one, it would have.如果美国政府想要一份草案,并相信它可以从开始草案中解脱出来,那就可以了。 If anything, the lack of a draft has restrained the killing.如果有的话,缺乏草案限制了杀戮。 The US military would add a draft to its existing billion-dollar recruitment efforts, not replace one with the other.美国军方将在现有的数十亿美元的招募工作中增加一项草案,而不是用另一种来代替。 And the far greater concentration of wealth and power now than in XNUMX pretty well assures that the children of the super-elite would not be conscripted.与XNUMX年相比,现在财富和权力的集中度要高得多,这可以确保超级精英的子女不会被征召入伍。

The military draft has not been used in the United States since 1973. The draft machinery has remained in place, costing the federal government about $25 million a year.自18年以来,美国就一直没有使用过军事草案。该草案一直沿用至今,每年使联邦政府损失1940万美元。 Males over 1947 have been required to register for the draft since 1948 (except between 1975 and 1980, and between XNUMX and XNUMX) and still are today, with no option to register as conscientious objectors or to choose peaceful productive public service.自XNUMX年以来(XNUMX年至XNUMX年之间以及XNUMX年至XNUMX年之间除外),要求XNUMX岁以上的男性报名参加选秀,并且至今仍没有,只能选择出于良心拒服兵役者或选择和平的公共生产服务。 The only reason for keeping Selective Service in place is because the draft might be started up again.保持“选择性服务”到位的唯一原因是因为草稿可能会再次启动。 While most states' governments claim that making voter registration automatic would be too much trouble, they have made draft registration automatic for men.虽然大多数州政府声称自动进行选民登记会带来太多麻烦,但他们已将男性选票登记自动化。 This suggests which registration is seen as a priority.这表明哪个注册被视为优先事项。

We're all familiar with the argument behind peace activists' demand for the draft, the argument that Congressman Charles Rangel made when proposing to start up a draft some years back.我们都熟悉和平主义者要求该草案的论点,这是国会议员查尔斯·兰格尔在几年前提出启动该草案时提出的论点。 US wars, while killing almost exclusively innocent foreigners, also kill and injure and traumatize thousands of US troops drawn disproportionately from among those lacking viable educational and career alternatives.美国战争虽然几乎完全杀害了无辜的外国人,但也杀害了数以千计的从缺乏可行的教育和职业选择的人中引来的美军,并使之遭受创伤。 A fair draft, rather than a poverty draft, would send — if not modern-day Donald Trumps, Dick Cheneys, George W. Bushes, or Bill Clintons and Joe Bidens — at least如果不是现代的唐纳德·特朗普,迪克·切尼,乔治·W·布什,比尔·克林顿和乔·拜登斯,那么至少要有一个公正的草案,而不是贫穷的草案。 一些 的后代 相对 powerful people to war.强大的人打仗。 And that would create opposition, and that opposition would end the war.那将造成反对,而反对将结束战争。 That's the argument in a nutshell.简而言之,这就是论点。 I think this is sincere but misguided.我认为这是真诚的但被误导了。

History doesn't bear it out.历史不能证明这一点。 The drafts in the US civil war (both sides), the two world wars, and the war on Korea did not end those wars, despite being much larger and in some cases fairer than the draft during the American war on Vietnam.尽管美国内战(双方),两次世界大战以及对朝鲜战争的草稿比美国对越南战争期间的草稿要大得多,在某些情况下还算公平,但它们并没有结束那些战争。 Those drafts were despised and protested, but they took lives;这些草稿遭到鄙视和抗议,但他们夺去了生命; they did not save lives.他们没有挽救生命。 The very idea of a draft was widely considered an outrageous assault on basic rights and liberties even before any of these drafts.草案的本意甚至在任何这些草案之前都被普遍认为是对基本权利和自由的残酷攻击。 In fact, a draft proposal was successfully argued down in Congress by denouncing it as unconstitutional, despite the fact that the guy who had actually实际上,提案草案在国会被成功否决,谴责该提案违宪,尽管事实上 书面 宪法的大多数人也是提议创建草案的总统。 国会众议员丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(Daniel Webster)当时(1814年)在众议院说:“政府主张通过强迫填补正规军的权力……先生,这符合自由政府的性质吗? 这是公民自由吗? 这是我们宪法的真正特征吗? 不,先生,的确不是。。。《宪法》在何处写明,包含在何条款或章节中,以便您可以从父母那里带走孩子,从父母那里带走孩子,并强迫他们与任何人打架。战争,政府的愚蠢或邪恶可能会参与其中? 这种权力潜藏在什么隐瞒之下,而现在却首次以巨大而残酷的面目出现,践踏并摧毁了最宝贵的人身自由权?” 当草案在内战和第一次世界大战期间被接受作为紧急战时措施时,在和平时期绝不会容忍该草案。 (而且在宪法中仍然没有找到。)直到1940年(根据48年的一项新法律),罗斯福仍在努力操纵美国参加第二次世界大战,并在随后的75年中永久性战时数十年来,“选择性服役”登记一直没有中断。 从1940年到1973年,美国有一个活跃的草案。它没有停止任何战争。 现役草案于73年结束,但是对越南的战争一直持续到75年。 机器草案是一种战争文化的一部分,该文化使幼儿园的学生誓言效忠一面旗帜,并作为一些未指定的未来政府项目的一部分,签字表示愿意离开并杀害18岁的男性。 政府已经知道您的社会保险号,性别和年龄。 征兵登记的目的很大程度上是战争正常化。

People bled for this.人们为此而流血。 When voting rights are threatened, when elections are corrupted, and even when we are admonished to hold our noses and vote for one or another of the god-awful candidates regularly placed before us, what are we reminded of?当投票权受到威胁,选举遭到破坏时,甚至当我们被告诫我们要保持警惕并投票选出一个或一个经常摆在我们面前的令人敬畏的候选人时,我们还想起什么? People bled for this.人们为此而流血。 People risked their lives and lost their lives.人们冒着生命危险,失去了生命。 People faced fire hoses and dogs.人们面对着消防水带和狗。 People went to jail.人们入狱了。 That's right.那就对了。 And that's why we should continue the struggle for fair and open and verifiable elections.这就是为什么我们应该继续争取公平,公开和可核查的选举的斗争。 But what do you think people did for the right not to be drafted into war?但是您认为人们为不参加战争而应享有的权利做了什么? They risked their lives and lost their lives.他们冒着生命危险,失去了生命。 They were hung up by their wrists.他们被手腕挂了。 They were starved and beaten and poisoned.他们挨饿,殴打,毒死。 Eugene Debs, hero of Senator Bernie Sanders, went to prison for speaking against the draft.参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的英雄尤金·德布斯(Eugene Debs)因反对选秀而入狱。 What would Debs make of the idea of peace activists supporting a draft in order to stir up more peace activism?代布斯对和平主义者支持草案以煽动更多和平主义者的想法怎么看? I doubt he'd be able to speak through his tears.我怀疑他能通过眼泪说话。

Don't underestimate support for a draft.不要小看对草案的支持。 The United States has a much greater population than do most countries of people who say they are ready to support wars and even of people美国的人口比大多数表示愿意支持战争甚至人民的国家要大得多。 谁说 他们愿意打一场战争。 百分之四十四的美国人现在告诉盖洛普民意调查,他们“会”在战争中作战。 他们为什么现在不打一场? 这是一个很好的问题,但一个答案可能是:因为没有选秀。 如果这个国家的数百万年轻人在军国主义的文化中长大,他们被告知参加战争是他们的责任呢? 您看到有多少人在9月12,2001和2003之间没有草稿而加入。 是否将这些被误导的动机与“总司令”的直接命令结合起来(许多平民已经在这些术语中提到过),我们真正想要试验的是什么? 为了保护世界免受战争?!

The supposedly non-existent peace movement is quite real.所谓的不存在的和平运动是非常现实的。 Yes, of course, all movements were bigger in the 1960s and they did a great deal of good, and I'd willingly die to bring back that level of positive engagement.是的,当然,所有运动在1920年代都规模更大,而且它们做得非常好,我愿意为恢复积极的参与水平而死。 But the notion that there has been no peace movement without the draft is false.但是,没有草案就没有和平运动的说法是错误的。 The strongest peace movement the United States has seen was probably that of the 1930s and 1973s.美国看到的最强大的和平运动可能是XNUMX年代和XNUMX年代。 The peace movements since XNUMX have restrained the nukes, resisted the wars, prevented a number of wars, and moved many in the United States further along the path toward supporting自XNUMX年以来的和平运动抑制了核武器,抵抗了战争,阻止了多次战争,并使美国的许多人沿着支持的道路更进一步 战争废除。 2003年,这也引起了国会议员的关注,即如果他们支持对叙利亚的轰炸,那么他们将被视为支持“另一个伊拉克”。 (这是在2013年尝试过的,但失败了。)您可以发挥人们的偏执,将对特定战争或武器系统的反对描绘为民族主义和男子气概,这是为其他更好的战争做准备的一部分。 But should you?但是你应该吗? You can draft millions of young men off to war and probably see some new resisters materialize.您可以征召数百万年轻男子参战,并且可能会看到一些新的抵抗者出现。 But should you?但是你应该吗? Have we really given making我们真的给了 在道德,经济,人道主义,环境和公民自由方面结束战争的诚实案例 公平的尝试?

We build a movement to end war by building a movement to end war.我们通过建立结束战争的运动来建立结束战争的运动。 The surest way we have of reducing and then ending militarism, and the racism and materialism with which it is interwoven, is to work for the end of war.我们减少和结束军国主义以及与之交织的种族主义和物质主义的最可靠方法是为战争的结束而努力。 By seeking to make wars bloody enough for the aggressor that he stops aggressing, we would essentially be moving in the same direction as we already have by turning public opinion against wars in which US troops die.通过寻求使侵略者流血到足以使他停止侵略的方式,我们实质上将朝着我们已经朝着同一个方向前进,即转向公众舆论反对美军死亡的战争。 I understand that there might be more concern over wealthier troops and greater numbers of troops.我知道,人们可能会更担心富裕的部队和更多的部队。 But if you can open people's eyes to the lives of gays and lesbians and transgendered people, if you can open people's hearts to the injustices facing African Americans murdered by police, if you can bring people to care about the other species dying off from human pollution, surely you can also bring them even further along than they've already come in caring about the lives of US troops not in their families — and perhaps even about the lives of the non-Americans who make up the vast majority of those killed by US warmaking.但是,如果您可以让人们对男女同性恋者和变性者的生活敞开怀抱,如果您可以使人们对被警察谋杀的非裔美国人所面临的不公正待遇敞开心,,如果您可以让人们关心其他因人类污染而死的物种,当然,您也可以使他们走得更远,比他们已经在关心美国军队(不包括其家人)的生活更甚于关心那些在被美军杀死的人中占绝大多数的非美国人的生活。美国的战争。 One result of the progress already made toward caring about US deaths has been greater use of robotic drones.在关注美国死亡问题上已经取得的进展的结果之一就是更多地使用了机器人无人机。 We need to be building opposition to war because it is the mass murder of beautiful human beings who are not in the United States and could never be drafted by the United States.我们需要建立对战争的反对,因为这是对不在美国并且永远不能由美国起草的美丽人类的大规模杀害。 A war in which no Americans die is just as much a horror as one in which they do.一场没有美国人死去的战争与他们所遭受的恐怖一样恐怖。 That understanding will end war.这种了解将结束战争。

The right movement advances us in the right direction.正确的运动使我们朝着正确的方向前进。 Pushing to end the draft will expose those who favor it and increase opposition to their war mongering.推动结束草案将揭露那些赞成该草案的人,并增加对他们战争war散的反对。 It will involve young people, including young men who do not want to register for the draft and young women who do not want to be required to start doing so.它将吸引年轻人,其中包括不想注册选秀的年轻人和不想被要求注册的年轻人。 A movement is headed in the right direction if even a compromise is progress.即使取得妥协,运动也朝着正确的方向前进。 A compromise with a movement demanding a draft would be a small draft.一个要求草稿的运动的妥协将是一个很小的草稿。 That would almost certainly not work any of the magic intended, but would increase the killing.几乎可以肯定,这不会奏效任何魔术,但会增加杀伤力。 A compromise with a movement to end the draft might be the ability to register for non-military service or as a conscientious objector.为了结束征兵而采取的折衷办法可能是登记非军事人员或出于良心拒服兵役的能力。 That would be a step forward.那将是向前的一步。 We might develop out of that new models of heroism and sacrifice, new nonviolent sources of solidarity and meaning, new members of a movement in favor of substituting civilized alternatives for the whole institution of war.我们可能会从新的英雄主义和牺牲模式,新的团结和意义的非暴力来源,运动的新成员中发展出来,支持以文明的替代品代替整个战争机构。

The war mongers want the draft too.战争贩子们也要征兵。 It's not only a certain section of peace activists who want the draft.不仅是和平主义者中的某些人想要这份草案。 So do the true war mongers.真正的战争贩子也是如此。 The selective service tested its systems at the height of the occupation of Iraq, preparing for a draft if needed.选拔部队在占领伊拉克的高峰期对其系统进行了测试,并在必要时准备了草案。 Various powerful figures in DC have proposed that a draft would be more fair, not because they think the fairness would end the warmaking but because they think the draft would be tolerated.华盛顿特区的许多有力人物都提出草案更公平,不是因为他们认为公平会结束战争,而是因为认为草案是可以容忍的。 Now, what happens if they decide they really want it?现在,如果他们决定真正想要它会怎样? Should it be left available to them?应该留给他们使用吗? Shouldn't they at least have to recreate the selective service first, and to do so up against the concerted opposition of a public facing an imminent draft?他们是否不应该至少必须首先重新创建选择性服务,并与面对即将到来的选民的公众的一致反对相提并论? Imagine if the United States joins the civilized world in making college free.想象一下,如果美国加入文明世界,使大学免费。 Recruitment will be devastated.招聘将被摧毁。 The poverty draft will suffer a major blow.贫困草案将遭受重大打击。 The actual draft will look very desirable to the Pentagon.对于五角大楼来说,实际的草稿看起来非常理想。 They may try more robots, more hiring of mercenaries, and more promises of citizenship to immigrants.他们可能会尝试更多的机器人,更多地雇佣雇佣兵,并向移民承诺更多的公民身份。 We need to be focused on cutting off those angles, as well as on in fact making college free.我们需要专注于切断这些角度,以及实际上使大学自由。

Take away the poverty draft too.也要消除贫困。 The unfairness of the poverty draft is not grounds for a larger unfairness.贫困草案的不公平不是更大的不公平的理由。 It needs to be ended too.它也需要结束。 It needs to be ended by opening up opportunities to everyone, including free quality education, job prospects, life prospects.它需要通过向所有人开放机会来结束,包括免费优质教育,工作前景,生活前景。 Isn't the proper solution to troops being stop-lossed not adding more troops but waging less war?难道不让部队停战,不增兵,少兵是不是正确的解决办法?

此外,还有一条道路的危险就是将登记草案扩大到女性所有人的强制性短期“国民服务”。 甚至可以通过军事和非军事选择来做到这一点,尽管人们可以想象,试图给予非军事奴役的斗争是什么样的 - 请原谅我,服务 - 与军方一样的补偿和福利。

我建议我们实际上找到了共同点,因为那些人​​说我们应该如此珍惜女性,以至于我们绝不会将她们送去杀人或死亡。 然后,我们应该努力扩大这种令人钦佩的前景,包括男性。 难道我们不能那么珍惜男人吗?

我们应该帮助在死亡机器之外找到年轻女性和男性的职业前景。 帮助创造免费大学的普遍权利。 通过给予年轻人替代和结束战争来修复贫困草案的不公平和部队的停止损失。 当我们结束贫困草案时  实际的草案,当我们真正否认军队发动战争所需的军队时,以及当我们创造一种文化,即使大规模地进行谋杀,即使所有死亡都是外国人,甚至是女性,也将谋杀视为错误同样参与杀戮,那么我们实际上将摆脱战争,而不仅仅是获得阻止每场战争四百万人死亡的能力。


我们需要一场废除性别歧视,种族主义,环境破坏,大规模监禁,贫穷,文盲的运动, 和战争.


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