

作者:David Swanson,十月5,2020

摘自 离开第二次世界大战

Hitler was clearly preparing for war long before he started it.希特勒显然早就开始为战争做准备。 Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland, annexed Austria, and threatened Czechoslovakia.希特勒将莱茵兰军事化,吞并了奥地利,并威胁捷克斯洛伐克。 High-ranking officials in the German military and “intelligence” plotted a coup.德国军队和“情报”高级官员策划了一场政变。 But Hitler gained popularity with every step he took, and the lack of any sort of opposition from Britain or France surprised and demoralized the coup plotters.但是希特勒迈出的每一步都赢得了民众的欢迎,而英国或法国的任何反对派的反对都令政变策划者感到惊讶和士气低落。 The British government was aware of the coup plots and was aware of the plans for war, yet chose not to support political opponents of the Nazis, not to support the coup plotters, not to enter the war, not to threaten to enter the war, not to blockade Germany, not to get serious about ceasing to arm and supply Germany, not to uphold the Kellogg-Briand Pact through court proceedings like those that would happen after the war in Nuremberg but could have happened before the war (at least with defendants英国政府了解政变阴谋并了解战争计划,但选择不支持纳粹的政治对手,不支持政变策划者,不参加战争,不威胁参加战争,不封锁德国,不认真考虑停止武装和供应德国,不通过法院程序维护凯洛格-布赖恩特条约,例如在纽伦堡战后发生但可能在战前发生(至少对于被告而言) 在缺席)关于意大利对埃塞俄比亚的袭击或德国对捷克斯洛伐克的袭击,不要求美国加入国际联盟,不要求国际联盟采取行动,不宣传德国民众支持非暴力抵抗,不撤离那些遭受种族灭绝威胁的人,不建议召开全球和平会议或成立联合国,也不注意苏联所说的话。

The Soviet Union was proposing a pact against Germany, an agreement with England and France to act together if attacked.苏联提出了一项针对德国的协议,一项与英格兰和法国达成的协议,如果遭到攻击,它们将共同行动。 England and France were not even slightly interested.英格兰和法国甚至没有一点兴趣。 The Soviet Union tried this approach for years and even joined the League of Nations.苏联尝试了这种方法多年,甚至加入了国际联盟。 Even Poland was uninterested.甚至波兰也不感兴趣。 The Soviet Union was the only nation that proposed to go in and fight for Czechoslovakia if Germany attacked it, but Poland — which ought to have known it was next in line for a Nazi assault — denied the Soviets passage to reach Czechoslovakia.如果德国发动进攻,苏联是唯一一个提议进军捷克斯洛伐克的国家,但是波兰-应该知道它是纳粹袭击的下一个路线-波兰拒绝了苏联进入捷克斯洛伐克的通道。 Poland, later also invaded by the Soviet Union, may have feared that Soviet troops would not pass through it but occupy it.波兰后来也被苏联入侵,它可能担心苏联军队不会通过它而是占领它。 While Winston Churchill seems to have been almost eager for a war with Germany, Neville Chamberlain not only refused to cooperate with the Soviet Union or to take any violent or nonviolent step on behalf of Czechoslovakia, but actually demanded that Czechoslovakia not resist, and actually handed Czechoslovakian assets in England over to the Nazis.温斯顿·丘吉尔似乎几乎渴望与德国开战,但内维尔·张伯伦不仅拒绝与苏联合作或代表捷克斯洛伐克采取任何暴力或非暴力步骤,而且实际上要求捷克斯洛伐克不要反抗,并实际上将其交给捷克斯洛伐克的资产在英格兰移交给纳粹。 Chamberlain seems to have been on the side of the Nazis beyond what would have made sense in the cause of peace, a cause that the business interests he usually acted on behalf of did not completely share.张伯伦似乎在纳粹方面站在和平事业之外,而和平事业是他通常代表的商业利益并未完全分享的事业。 For his part, Churchill was such an admirer of fascism that historians suspect him of later contemplating installing the Nazi-sympathizing Duke of Windsor as a fascist ruler in England, but Churchill's more dominant inclination for decades seems to have been for war over peace.就丘吉尔而言,他是法西斯主义的崇拜者,历史学家怀疑他后来考虑将纳粹同情的温莎公爵(Duke of Windsor)任命为英格兰的法西斯统治者,但丘吉尔数十年来更为主导的倾向似乎是为了争夺和平。

1919年22月1933日,英国前首相兼自由党领袖戴维·劳埃德·乔治(David Lloyd George)说:“我知道德国发生了可怕的暴行,我们都对此表示遗憾和谴责。 But a country passing through a revolution is always liable to ghastly episodes owing to the administration of justice being seized here and there by an infuriated rebel.”但是,由于一场激怒的叛乱分子在这里和那里夺取了司法,一个经历革命的国家总是容易发生可怕的事件。” If the Allied powers overthrew Nazism, Lloyd George warned, “extreme communism” would take its place.劳埃德·乔治警告说,如果同盟国推翻了纳粹主义,“极端共产主义”将取而代之。 “Surely that cannot be our objective,” he remarked.他说:“那当然不是我们的目标。”[I]的

So, that was the trouble with Nazism: a few bad apples!因此,这就是纳粹主义的麻烦:几个坏苹果! One must be understanding during times of revolution.在革命时期一定是一种理解。 And, besides, the British were tired of war after WWI.而且,在第一次世界大战之后,英国人厌倦了战争。 But the funny thing is that immediately upon the conclusion of WWI, when nobody could have possibly been more tired of war due to WWI, a revolution happened — one with its share of bad apples that could have been magnanimously tolerated: the revolution in Russia.但是有趣的是,第一次世界大战结束后,当没有人可能因为第一次世界大战而对战争感到厌倦时,发生了一场革命-一场本应被宽容的坏苹果:俄罗斯的革命。 When the Russian revolution happened, the United States, Britain, France, and allies sent first funding in 1917, and then troops in 1918, into Russia to support the anti-revolutionary side of the war.当俄国革命发生时,美国,英国,法国和盟国在1920年首先向俄国提供了资金,然后在XNUMX年向俄国提供了资金,以支持战争的反革命方面。 Through XNUMX these understanding and peace-loving nations fought in Russia in a failed effort to overthrow the Russian revolutionary government.到XNUMX年,这些理解和爱好和平的国家在俄罗斯进行了斗争,但以失败的努力推翻了俄国革命政府。 While this war rarely makes it into US text books, Russians tend to remember it as the beginning of over a century of opposition and insistent enmity from the United States and Western Europe, the alliance during WWII notwithstanding.尽管这场战争很少使它成为美国的教科书,但尽管有二战期间的同盟,俄国人仍将其铭记为一个世纪以来美国和西欧的反对和坚持敌意的开始。

1932年,红衣主教Pacelli(1939年成为教皇庇护十二世)写了一封信给 中央区 or Center Party, the third largest political party in Germany.或德国第三大政党中央党。 The Cardinal was worried about the possible rise of communism in Germany, and advised the Center Party to help make Hitler chancellor.红衣主教担心德国共产党的崛起,并建议中央党帮助希特勒出任总理。 From then on the从那时起 中央区 支持的希特勒。[II]


1936年,公爵回忆说:“ [希特勒]让我意识到,红色俄罗斯是唯一的敌人,大不列颠及整个欧洲都有兴趣鼓励德国进军东部并一劳永逸地粉碎共产主义。 。 。 。 I thought that we ourselves would be able to watch as the Nazis and the Reds would fight each other.”我以为我们自己就能看到纳粹和红军之间的战斗。”[IV]

对于那些热衷于成为大规模屠杀的观众的人来说,“ e靖”是对人们的恰当指责吗?[V]

There's a dirty little secret hiding in WWII, a war so dirty that you wouldn't think it could have a dirty little secret, but it's this: the top enemy of the West before, during, and after the war was the Russian communist menace.第二次世界大战中藏着一个肮脏的小秘密,一场战争是如此肮脏,以至于您不会认为它会有一个肮脏的小秘密,但这就是事实:战争之前,之中和之后,西方的最大敌人是俄罗斯共产党的威胁。 What Chamberlain was after in Munich was not only peace between Germany and England, but also war between Germany and the Soviet Union.张伯伦在慕尼黑所追求的不仅是德国与英国之间的和平,而且是德国与苏联之间的战争。 It was a longstanding goal, a plausible goal, and a goal that was in fact eventually achieved.这是一个长期目标,一个貌似合理的目标,实际上是最终实现的目标。 The Soviets tried to make a pact with Britain and France but were turned away.苏联试图与英国和法国缔结条约,但遭到拒绝。 Stalin wanted Soviet troops in Poland, which Britain and France (and Poland) would not accept.斯大林想要在波兰的苏联军队,英国和法国(以及波兰)不接受。 So, the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, not an alliance to join in any war with Germany, but an agreement not to attack each other, and an agreement to divide up Eastern Europe.因此,苏联与德国签署了一项不侵略条约,而不是同德国进行任何战争的联盟,而是一项不互相攻击的协议以及一项分裂东欧的协议。 But, of course, Germany didn't mean it.但是,当然,德国不是这个意思。 Hitler simply wanted to be left alone to attack Poland.希特勒只是想独自待攻波兰。 And so he was.他也是。 Meanwhile, the Soviets sought to create a buffer and expand their own empire by attacking the Baltic states, Finland, and Poland.同时,苏联人试图通过攻击波罗的海国家,芬兰和波兰来创建缓冲区并扩大自己的帝国。

The Western dream of bringing down the Russian communists, and using German lives to do it, seemed ever closer.西方社会放下俄罗斯共产主义,并利用德国人的生命来实现这一梦想似乎越来越近了。 From September of 1939 to May of 1940, France and England were officially at war with Germany, but not actually waging much war.从80年27月到XNUMX年XNUMX月,法国和英国正式与德国交战,但实际上并未发动太多战争。 The period is known to historians as “the Phoney War.”历史学家将该时期称为“电话战争”。 In fact, Britain and France were waiting for Germany to attack the Soviet Union, which it did, but only after attacking Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France, and England.实际上,英国和法国一直在等待德国进攻苏联,但实际上只是在进攻丹麦,挪威,荷兰,比利时,法国和英国之后。 Germany fought WWII on two fronts, the western and the eastern, but mostly the eastern.德国在西部和东部这两个战线上都进行过战斗,但主要是东部。 Some XNUMX% of German casualties were on the eastern front.德国约有XNUMX%的人员伤亡位于东部战线。 The Russians lost, according to Russia's calculations, XNUMX million lives.根据俄罗斯的计算,俄罗斯人丧生了XNUMX万人。[六] 但是,共产主义的威胁仍然存在。

。 。 would be far more dangerous than the victory of fascism.”比法西斯主义的胜利要危险得多。”[七]

参议员哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S Truman)采取了一种所谓的平衡的观点,尽管生与死之间并没有那么平衡。他们杀死了尽可能多的人,尽管我在任何情况下都不希望希特勒获得胜利。”[八]

与杜鲁门的观点一致,当德国迅速进入苏联时,罗斯福总统提议向苏联提供援助,为此他受到了美国政治右派人士的严厉谴责和美国政府内部的抵制。[九] 美国答应向苏联提供援助,但其中至少四分之三没有到位。[X] The Soviets were doing more damage to the Nazi military than all other nations combined, but were struggling in the effort.苏维埃对纳粹军队的破坏要超过所有其他国家的总和,但他们在努力中却举步维艰。 In lieu of promised aid, the Soviet Union asked for approval to keep, after the war, the territories it had seized in Eastern Europe.战争结束后,苏联要求获得许可,以求保留战争前在东欧占领的领土,以取代苏联。 Britain urged the United States to agree, but the United States, at this point, refused.英国敦促美国同意,但美国在这一点上拒绝了。[XI]

In lieu of promised aid or territorial concessions, Stalin made a third request of the British in September 1941. It was this: fight the damn war!代替承诺的援助或领土让步,斯大林于1941年XNUMX月向英国提出了第三项要求。这就是:与该死的战争作战! Stalin wanted a second front opened against the Nazis in the west, a British invasion of France, or alternatively British troops sent to assist in the east.斯大林想要在西方对纳粹开辟第二条战线,英国入侵法国,或者派遣英军前往东部协助。 The Soviets were denied any such assistance, and interpreted this refusal as a desire to see them weakened.苏维埃被拒绝提供任何此类援助,并将这种拒绝解释为希望看到他们被削弱的愿望。 And weakened they were;削弱了他们的力量。 yet they prevailed.但是他们占了上风。 In the fall of XNUMX and the following winter, the Soviet Army turned the tide against the Nazis outside of Moscow.在XNUMX年秋天和第二个冬天,苏联军队将潮流转向了莫斯科以外的纳粹分子。 The German defeat began before the United States had even entered the war, and before any western invasion of France.德军的失败始于美国甚至没有参加战争之前,以及西方入侵法国之前。[XII]

1942年XNUMX月,苏联外交部长维亚切斯拉夫·莫洛托夫(Vyacheslav Molotov)在华盛顿会见了罗斯福,他们宣布了那个夏天开放西部战线的计划。 But it was not to be.但事实并非如此。 Churchill persuaded Roosevelt to instead invade North Africa and the Middle East where the Nazis were threatening British colonial and oil interests.丘吉尔说服罗斯福转而入侵纳粹威胁英国殖民和石油利益的北非和中东。

Remarkably, however, in the summer of 1942, the Soviet struggle against the Nazis received such favorable media coverage in the United States, that a strong plurality favored a US and British opening of a second front immediately.但是,值得注意的是,在XNUMX年夏天,苏联与纳粹的斗争在美国获得了如此有利的媒体报道,以至于强大的多元支持美国和英国立即开放了第二条战线。 US cars carried bumper stickers reading “Second Front Now.”美国汽车上贴着“第二现在”的保险杠贴纸。 But the US and British governments ignored the demand.但是美国和英国政府忽略了需求。 The Soviets, meanwhile, kept pushing the Nazis back.同时,苏联人一直将纳粹分子推回去。[XIII]

1943年1943月,罗斯福和丘吉尔在德黑兰许诺斯大林第二年春天入侵法国,斯大林许诺在德国战败后立即与日本作战。 Yet, it was not until June 6, 1944, that Allied troops landed at Normandy.然而,直到XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日,盟军才降落在诺曼底。 By that point, the Soviets had occupied much of Central Europe.到那时,苏联已经占领了中欧的大部分地区。 The United States and Britain had been happy for the Soviets to do most of the killing and dying for years, but did not want the Soviets arriving in Berlin and declaring victory alone.多年来,美英两国一直对苏联人为实现大部分杀戮和死亡感到高兴,但他们不希望苏联人到达柏林并单独宣布胜利。

The three nations agreed that all surrenders must be total and must be made to all three of them together.这三个国家一致认为,所有投降必须是全部的,并且必须将它们全部投降。 However, in Italy, Greece, France, and elsewhere the United States and Britain cut Russia out almost completely, banned communists, shut out leftist resisters to the Nazis, and re-imposed rightwing governments that the Italians, for example, called “fascism without Mussolini.”但是,在意大利,希腊,法国和其他地方,美国和英国几乎完全切断了俄罗斯的统治,禁止了共产主义者,将纳粹抵抗者拒之门外,并重新施加了右翼政府的支持,例如意大利人称之为“法西斯主义,墨索里尼。”[XIV] 战后,直到1950年代,美国在“格拉迪奥行动”中将“留在”欧洲各个国家的间谍,恐怖分子和破坏分子的手中,以抵御任何共产主义的影响。

原本计划在罗斯福和丘吉尔在雅尔塔与斯大林会晤的第一天,美国和英国轰炸了德累斯顿市,摧毁了其建筑物,艺术品和平民,显然是在威胁俄罗斯。[Xv的] 然后,美国开发并在日本城市上使用了核弹,这一决定部分是由于希望看到日本在没有苏联的情况下向美国投降的愿望以及对苏联的威胁。[十六]

德国投降后,温斯顿·丘吉尔立即提议使用纳粹部队和盟军进攻苏联,而苏联刚刚完成了击败纳粹的大部分工作。[ⅩⅦ] This was not an off-the-cuff proposal.这不是现成的建议。 The US and British had sought and achieved partial German surrenders, had kept German troops armed and ready, and had debriefed German commanders on lessons learned from their failure against the Russians.美国和英国寻求并实现了部分德国投降,使德国军队武装并准备就绪,并向德国指挥官汇报了从他们对俄国人失败中获得的教训。 Attacking the Russians sooner rather than later was a view advocated by General George Patton, and by Hitler's replacement Admiral Karl Donitz, not to mention Allen Dulles and the OSS.乔治·巴顿将军,希特勒的继任海军上将卡尔·唐尼兹提倡早早对俄国人发动攻击,更不用说艾伦·杜勒斯和OSS。 Dulles made a separate peace with Germany in Italy to cut out the Russians, and began sabotaging democracy in Europe immediately and empowering former Nazis in Germany, as well as importing them into the US military to focus on war against Russia.杜勒斯与意大利的德国达成单独的和平协议,以裁减俄国人,并立即破坏了欧洲的民主制度,并授权德国的前纳粹分子,并将其引入美军,以专注于对俄战争。[ⅩⅧ]

When US and Soviet troops first met in Germany, they hadn't been told they were at war with each other yet.美苏军队在德国首次会面时,还没有告知他们彼此之间正在交战。 But in the mind of Winston Churchill they were.但是在温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的脑海中。 Unable to launch a hot war, he and Truman and others launched a cold one.由于无法发动激烈的战争,他和杜鲁门等人发动了一场冷战。 The United States worked to make sure that West German companies would rebuild quickly but not pay war reparations owed to the Soviet Union.美国努力确保西德公司能够迅速重建,但不向苏联支付战争赔款。 While the Soviets were willing to withdraw from countries like Finland, their demand for a buffer between Russia and Europe hardened as the Cold War grew and came to include the oxymoronic “nuclear diplomacy.”尽管苏联人愿意退出像芬兰这样的国家,但随着冷战的发展,他们对俄罗斯和欧洲之间的缓冲的需求也有所增加,并且包括了矛盾的“核外交”。 The Cold War was a regrettable development, but could have been much worse.冷战是令人遗憾的事态发展,但可能会更糟。 While it was the sole possessor of nuclear weapons, the US government, led by Truman, drew up plans for an aggressive nuclear war on the Soviet Union, and began mass-producing and stockpiling nuclear weapons and B-29s to deliver them.在杜鲁门领导下,美国政府是唯一拥有核武器的国家,它制定了对苏联发动核战争的计划,并开始大规模生产和储存核武器和B-300进行交付。 Before the XNUMX desired nuclear bombs were ready, US scientists secretly gave bomb secrets to the Soviet Union — a move that may have accomplished just what the scientists said they intended, the replacement of mass slaughter with a standoff.在准备XNUMX枚所需的核弹之前,美国科学家秘密地向苏联提供了炸弹机密-这一举动可能已经达到了科学家所说的意图,以对峙取代了大规模屠杀。[XIX] 今天的科学家们更加了解投掷300枚核弹的可能结果,其中包括世界范围内的核冬天和人类的大规模饥荒。

The hostility, the nuclear weapons, the war preparations, the troops in Germany, are all still there, and now with weapons in Eastern Europe right up to the border of Russia.敌对行动,核武器,战争准备,德国军队都还在那里,现在在东欧拥有武器直至俄罗斯边界。 World War II was an incredibly destructive force, yet despite the role played in it by the Soviet Union it did little or no lasting damage to anti-Soviet sentiment in Washington.第二次世界大战是令人难以置信的破坏力量,尽管苏联在其中发挥了作用,但它对华盛顿的反苏联情绪几乎没有或没有持久的破坏。 The later demise of the Soviet Union and end of communism had a similarly negligible effect on ingrained and profitable hostility toward Russia.苏联的后期解体和共产主义的结束,对俄罗斯根深蒂固的有利可图的敌意产生了微不足道的影响。

摘自 离开第二次世界大战.

为期六周的在线课程 从今天开始.


[I]的 FRASER,“《商业和金融纪事》全文:30年1933月137日,第一卷。 3562号1339”,https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/commercial-financial-chronicle-30/september-1933-518572-XNUMX/fulltext

[II] Nicholson Baker, 人烟:文明终结的开端。 纽约:Simon&Schuster,2008年,第32页。 XNUMX。

[III] 查尔斯·海曼,与敌人交易:1933-1949年纳粹美国货币图的曝光 (Dell Publishing Co.,1983)。 152。

[IV] 雅克·鲍威尔(Jacques R. 善战神话:第二世界的美国 战争(James Lorimer&Company Ltd. 2015,2002)p。 45。

[V]   “纽约时报” 在有关纳粹的azi靖活动的页面下方永久显示读者评论(不允许进一步评论),声称这堂课是没有学到的,因为弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)于2014年在克里米亚被安息。克里米亚人民以压倒多数投票赞成重新加入俄罗斯。部分由于未受到新纳粹分子的威胁而未提及: https://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/30/sept-30-1938-hitler-granted-the-sudentenland-by-britain-france-and-italy

[六] 维基百科,“第二次世界大战伤亡人数”,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties

[七] 阿什兰大学阿什布鲁克的约翰·摩瑟(John Moser),“无计划原则:罗伯特·塔夫脱参议员和美国外交政策”,1年2001月12日,https://ashbrook.org/publications/dialogue-moser/#XNUMX

[八] “时代”杂志,“国家事务:周年纪念”,02年1951月0,9171,815031,00日,星期一,http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/XNUMX.html

[九] 奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)和彼得·库兹尼克(Peter Kuznick),美国不为人知的历史 (Simon&Schuster,2012年),第96页。 XNUMX。

[X] 奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)和彼得·库兹尼克(Peter Kuznick),美国不为人知的历史 (Simon&Schuster,2012),第97、102页。

[XI] 奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)和彼得·库兹尼克(Peter Kuznick),美国不为人知的历史 (Simon&Schuster,2012年),第102页。 XNUMX。

[XII] 奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)和彼得·库兹尼克(Peter Kuznick),美国不为人知的历史 (Simon&Schuster,2012年),第103页。 XNUMX。

[XIII] 奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)和彼得·库兹尼克(Peter Kuznick),美国不为人知的历史 (Simon&Schuster,2012),第104-108页。

[XIV] Gaetano Salvamini和Giorgio La Piana, 意大利之歌 (1945)。

[Xv的] 布雷特·威尔金斯 共同的梦想 “野兽与炸弹:1945年10月在德累斯顿的反思”,2020年2020月02日,https://www.commondreams.org/views/10/1945/XNUMX/beasts-and-bombings-reflecting-dresden-february- XNUMX年

[十六] 参见第14章 离开第二次世界大战.

[ⅩⅦ] 马克斯·黑斯廷斯 每日邮报, “不可思议的行动:丘吉尔想如何招募被击败的纳粹军队并将俄罗斯赶出东欧,” 26年2009月1209041日,https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-XNUMX/Operation-unthinkable-How-丘吉尔想招募失败的纳粹部队-俄罗斯-东欧-Europe.html

[ⅩⅧ] 大卫·塔尔伯​​特 魔鬼的棋盘:艾伦·杜勒斯,中央情报局和美国秘密政府的崛起, (纽约:HarperCollins,2015)。

[XIX] 戴夫·林多夫(Dave Lindorff),“重新思考曼哈顿计划间谍和冷战,疯狂运动-75年的无核战争-他们的努力给了我们礼物”,1年2020月75日,https://thiscantbehappening.net/rethinking-manhattan-project-间谍和冷战狂热和XNUMX年的无核战争,他们的努力赠予了我们


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