
杰克·吉尔罗伊(Jack Gilroy),宾夕法尼亚州本德,28年2020月XNUMX日。

作者:David Swanson,十月1,2020


雅克·路易·大卫(Jacques-Louis David)1784年的绘画 霍拉蒂的誓言 据信,这种流行已经持续了几个世纪,描绘了古罗马人做出的手势与贝拉米或纳粹致敬非常相似。[II]

美国舞台制作 本Hur, and a 1907 film version of the same, made use of the gesture.和XNUMX年的电影版本都使用了该手势。 Those using it in US dramatic productions of that period would have been aware of both the Bellamy salute and the tradition of depicting a “Roman salute” in neoclassical art.那些在当时的美国戏剧作品中使用过它的人会意识到贝拉米致敬和新古典艺术中描绘“罗马致敬”的传统。 As far as we know, the “Roman salute” was never actually used by the ancient Romans.据我们所知,古罗马人从未真正使用过“罗马礼炮”。

Of course, it's a very simple salute, not hard to think up;当然,这是一个非常简单的致敬,不难想出。 there are only so many things humans can do with their arms.人类只能用手臂做很多事情。 But when Italian fascists picked it up, it had neither survived from ancient Rome nor been newly invented.但是,当意大利法西斯主义者捡起它时,它既没有从古罗马幸存下来,也没有被新发明。 It had been seen in它曾在 本Hur,以及在古代拍摄的多部意大利电影中,包括 CABIRIA (1914年),由加布里埃莱·丹嫩齐(Gabriele D'Annunzio)撰写。

From 1919 to 1920 D'Annunzio made himself the dictator of something called the Italian Regency of Carnaro, which was the size of one small city.从XNUMX年到XNUMX年,达嫩尼齐(D'Annunzio)成为了意大利所谓的卡纳罗摄政区(Canaro Regency)的独裁者。 He instituted many practices that Mussolini would soon appropriate, including the corporate state, public rituals, black-shirted thugs, balcony speeches, and the “Roman salute,” which he would have seen in他制定了墨索里尼不久将采用的许多做法,包括公司状态,公共礼仪,黑衫th徒,阳台​​演讲和“罗马礼炮”,他会在 CABIRIA.

By 1923, Nazis had picked up the salute for greeting Hitler, presumably copying the Italians.到1930年,纳粹为向希特勒打招呼致敬,大概是在抄袭意大利人。 In the XNUMXs fascist movements in other countries and various governments around the world picked it up.在XNUMX年代,其他国家和世界各国政府的法西斯运动将其拾起。 Hitler himself recounted a medieval German origin for the salute, which, as far as we know, is no more real that the ancient Roman origin or half the stuff that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth.希特勒本人为礼炮叙述了中世纪的德国血统,据我们所知,礼炮不再是古罗马血统或唐纳德·特朗普的口中的一半。[III] Hitler certainly knew of Mussolini's use of the salute and almost certainly knew of the US use.希特勒当然知道墨索里尼对礼炮的使用,几乎可以肯定对美国的敬礼。 Whether the US connection inclined him in favor of the salute or not, it seems not to have dissuaded him from adopting the salute.不论美国的关系是否使他倾向于敬礼,似乎都没有阻止他采用敬礼。

1936年奥运会的海报显示,敬礼的手臂几乎是垂直的。 1924年奥运会的照片向人们致敬。

It seems that a number of people had a similar idea around the same time, perhaps influenced by each other.似乎许多人在同一时间有相似的想法,也许是相互影响的。 And it seems that Hitler gave the idea a bad name, leading everybody else to drop, modify, or downplay it from that point forward.希特勒似乎给这个主意取了一个不好的名字,从此以后其他所有人都放弃,修改或轻描淡写了它。

What difference does it make?有什么区别? Hitler could have instituted that salute without the United States existing.希特勒本可以在美国不存在的情况下建立这种敬礼。 Or if he couldn't have, he could have instituted some other salute that would have been no better or worse.或者,如果他做不到,他可能会提出一些其他的敬礼,而这种敬礼不会更好或更糟。 Yes, of course.当然是。 But the problem is not where the arm is placed.但是问题不在于手臂的放置位置。 The problem is the mandatory ritual of militarism and blind, servile obedience.问题是军国主义和盲目的奴役服从的强制性仪式。

It was strictly required in Nazi Germany to give the salute in greeting, accompanied by the words Hail Hitler!在纳粹德国,这是严格要求向致敬致意的,并带有“希特勒”字样! or Hail Victory!或冰雹胜利! It was also required when the National Anthem or the Nazi Party Anthem was played.演奏国歌或纳粹党国歌时也需要这样做。 The national anthem celebrated German superiority, machismo, and war.国歌庆祝德国的优势,大男子主义和战争。[IV] 纳粹国歌庆祝国旗,希特勒和战争。[V]

弗朗西斯·贝拉米(Francis Bellamy)创立效忠誓约时,它是针对学校计划的一部分,该计划融合了宗教,爱国主义,旗帜,服从,仪式,战争以及各种特殊主义。[六]


Nationalism, militarism, religion, exceptionalism, and a ritual oath of loyalty to a piece of cloth: this is quite a mix.民族主义,军国主义,宗教,例外主义以及对一块布的忠诚的宗教誓言:这是一种混合。 Imposing this on children has got to be among the worst ways to prepare them to oppose fascism.将其强加给儿童必须是使他们准备反对法西斯主义的最坏方法之一。 Once you've pledged your allegiance to a flag, what are you to do when someone waves that flag and screams that evil foreigners need to be killed?一旦宣誓效忠国旗,当有人挥舞国旗并大声疾呼邪恶的外国人需要被杀死时,您该怎么办? Rare is the US government whistleblower or war veteran peace activist who won't tell you how much time they spent trying to deprogram themselves of all the patriotism that was put into them as children.美国政府的举报人或退伍军人和平活动家很少见,他们不会告诉您他们花了多少时间试图贬低自己从小受到的爱国主义情绪。

Some people who visit the United States from other countries are shocked to see children standing, using the modified salute of hand-on-heart, and robotically reciting a loyalty oath to a “nation under God.”一些从其他国家访问美国的人感到震惊,看到孩子们站着了,动用了亲切的敬礼,并机械地向“上帝下的民族”宣誓效忠。 It seems that the modification of hand position has not succeeded in preventing them looking like Nazis.似乎手部姿势的改变未能成功阻止他们看起来像纳粹分子。[八]

The Nazi salute has not simply been abandoned in Germany;纳粹致敬并不仅仅是在德国被遗弃的。 it has been banned.它已被禁止。 While Nazi flags and chants can occasionally be found at racist rallies in the United States, they are forbidden in Germany, where neo-Nazis sometimes wave the flag of the Confederate States of America as a legal means of making the same point.虽然在美国的种族主义集会上偶尔会发现纳粹的旗帜和圣歌,但在德国却被禁止,在那儿,新纳粹分子有时会挥舞美国同盟国的旗帜,以此作为表达这一观点的合法手段。


摘自 离开第二次世界大战。

下周 在线课程 首先谈到将第二次世界大战抛在身后:


[I]的 艾琳·布莱克莫尔 史密森尼杂志, “关于如何对付美国国旗的规则出台,因为没人想看起来像纳粹”,12年2016月180960100日,https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/rules-about-how-to-我们的标志来了,因为没有人想要看起来像纳粹XNUMX

[II] 阿特拉斯·奥布斯库拉(Atlas Obscura)的杰西·盖伊·瑞安(Jessie Guy-Ryan),“纳粹敬礼如何成为世界上最令人反感的手势:希特勒为问候语发明了德国根,但其历史已经充斥着欺诈行为,” 12年2016月XNUMX日,https://www.atlasobscura .com / articles /纳粹敬礼如何成为世界上最令人反感的手势

[III] 希特勒的餐桌谈话:1941-1944年 (纽约:Enigma Books,2000年), https://www.nationalists.org/pdf/hitler/hitlers-table-talk-roper.pdf  179页

[IV] Wikipedia,“ Deutschlandlied”,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied

[V] 维基百科,“ Horst-Wessel-Lied”,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst-Wessel-Lied

[六] 《青年同伴》,65(1892):446–447。 Reprinted in Scot M. Guenter,转载于Scot M. Guenter, 1777年至1924年的美国国旗:文化转变 (新泽西州,克兰伯里:Fairleigh Dickinson Press,1990)。 Cited By History Matters: The US Survey Course on the Web, George Mason University, “'One Country!被历史问题引用:美国乔治·梅森大学网络调查课程,“一个国家! One Language!一种语言! One Flag!'一面旗帜! The Invention of an American Tradition,” http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5762美国传统的发明”,http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/XNUMX

[七] 美国法典第4章第1章第4节https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title4/chapter1&edition=prelim

[八] “所有儿童定期宣誓效忠国旗的国家名单将很短,除了美国之外,不包括任何富裕的西方国家。 尽管有些国家向国家(新加坡)或独裁者(朝鲜)宣誓,但我只能找到美国以外的任何国家,有人声称儿童经常宣誓效忠国旗,这就是美国。 我知道还有另外两个国家效忠于国旗,尽管似乎没有两个国家像美国那样经常使用国旗。 两国都是受美国影响较大的国家,在两种情况下,这项承诺都是相对较新的。 菲律宾自1996年以来一直致力于效忠盟约,韩国自1972年以来一直致力于效忠盟约,但目前的承诺始于2007年。” 从大卫·斯旺森(David Swanson) Curing Exceptionalism: What's Wrong With How We Think About the United States?治愈例外主义:我们如何看待美国呢? What Can We Do About It?我们对于它可以做些什么呢? (David Swanson,2018年)。




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