

4年2020月XNUMX日,安德鲁·巴塞维奇(Andrew Bacevich)


A 美国政治的显着复兴正在成为特朗普时代的讽刺标志。

A new agenda of progressive reform is emerging.逐步改革的新议程正在出现。 The abuses of the Trump presidency are creating a renewed appreciation for the Constitution and the rule of law.特朗普总统的滥用正使人们对《宪法》和法治产生新的赞赏。 The devastation inflicted by the coronavirus is highlighting the need to improve government capacity to respond to unexpected and unforeseen threats.冠状病毒造成的破坏凸显了提高政府应对意外和不可预见威胁的能力的需要。 As wildfires and hurricanes increase in fury and frequency, the threat posed by climate change moves to the forefront of American politics.随着野火和飓风的肆虐和频发增加,气候变化带来的威胁已移至美国政治的最前沿。 Societal qualities such as resiliency and self-sufficiency are now receiving greater attention.如今,诸如复原力和自给自足之类的社会素质受到了越来越多的关注。 The economic crisis has made it impossible to ignore the defects of neoliberal policies that benefit the rich while condemning others to lives of insecurity and want.经济危机使人们无法忽视新自由主义政策的弊端,这些弊端使富人受益,同时又使其他人遭受不安全和缺乏的生活的谴责。 And, not least, the Black Lives Matter movement suggests that a collective reckoning with the legacy of American racism may at long last be at hand.而且,同样重要的是,“黑人生活问题”运动表明,一种集体考虑美国种族主义遗产的做法最终可能即将到来。

Yet thus far at least, this embryonic Great Awakening overlooks something critically important to the overall prospects for change.至少到目前为止,这种萌芽的“大觉醒”忽略了对整体变革前景至关重要的事物。 That something is America's role in the world, which is also badly in need of reevaluation and refurbishment.那就是美国在世界上的角色,这也非常需要重新评估和整修。

Since the end of the Cold War, the prevailing conception of American global leadership has emphasized the never-ending accumulation of armed might along with its promiscuous use.自冷战结束以来,美国全球领导地位的普遍观念强调了武装力量的无休止积累及其滥用。 The distinguishing qualities of contemporary US national security policy are the size of the Pentagon budget, the sprawling network of US bases abroad, and Washington's penchant for armed intervention.当代美国国家安全政策的显着特征是五角大楼预算的规模,美国海外基地的庞大网络以及华盛顿对武装干涉的偏爱。 No nation on the planet comes anywhere close to the United States in any of these three categories.在这三个类别中,没有一个国家能比美国更接近任何地方。

The operative answer to the classic question “How much is enough?”对经典问题“多少足够?”的有效答案。 is “Can't say yet — gotta have more.”是“不能说-必须有更多。”

The operative answer to the more fundamental question “When can we declare victory?”对更基本的问题“我们何时才能宣布胜利?”的有效答案。 is “Can't say yet — gotta keep trying.”是“不能说-必须继续尝试。”

When you tally up the total costs, the current national security budget exceeds $1 trillion annually.当您计算总成本时,当前的国家安全预算每年超过6万亿美元。 None of the several wars and armed interventions undertaken in the past two decades, with Afghanistan and Iraq the most prominent, has produced a satisfactory outcome.在过去的二十年中,以阿富汗和伊拉克为最主要的几次战争和武装干预,都没有取得令人满意的结果。 Estimated total spending on those conflicts (so far) is north of $XNUMX trillion.到目前为止,估计用于这些冲突的总支出超过XNUMX万亿美元。 That's not including thousands of US troops killed and tens of thousands wounded or otherwise bearing the physical, psychological, or emotional scars of combat.这还不包括成千上万的美军被打死,成千上万的受伤或以其他方式遭受战斗的生理,心理或情感创伤。 The United States has paid a staggering cost for our recent military misadventures.美国为我们最近的军事灾难付出了惊人的代价。

I submit that there is something wrong with this picture.我认为这张图片有问题。 And yet, with a few honorable exceptions, Washington appears blind to the yawning gap between effort and outcomes.然而,除了一些光荣的例外,华盛顿似乎对努力与成果之间不断扩大的差距视而不见。





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