

凯特·康纳尔(Kate Connell)和弗雷德·纳迪斯(Fred Nadis),29年2020月XNUMX日

在2016-17年度,美国陆军参观了加州圣塔玛丽亚高中和附近的先锋谷高中80多次。 那一年,海军陆战队参观了圣玛丽亚的欧内斯特·里盖蒂高中60多次。 一位圣玛丽亚校友评论说:“好像他们,即招募人员一样,正在招聘员工。” 先锋谷一位高中生的父母评论道:“我认为校园里的招聘人员与14岁的年轻人聊天是“修饰”的年轻人,他们在高年级时更愿意接受招聘。 我希望我的女儿有更多机会接触大学招聘人员,并让我们的学校促进和平和非暴力解决冲突的办法。”

This is a sample of what high schools, particularly in rural areas, experience nationwide, and the difficulty of confronting the presence of military recruiters on campus.这是高中,尤其是农村地区的高中在全国范围内经历的情况,以及在校园中面对招募军事人员的困难的样本。 While our nonprofit counter-recruitment group,我们的非营利反招聘小组 招聘中的真相, based in Santa Barbara, California, views such military access as beyond excessive, as far as the military is concerned, now that the pandemic has closed campuses, those were the good old days.总部位于加利福尼亚州圣塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)的人认为,鉴于大流行已经关闭了校园,过去对于军人而言,这种进入军队的方式已经超出了过多,这是过去的美好时光。 The Air Force's Recruiting Service Commander, Maj. Gen. Edward Thomas Jr., commented to a journalist at空军招募服务司令官爱德华·托马斯(Edward Thomas Jr.)少将在,全国Covid-19大流行和高中停课使招募工作比以前更加困难。

“我们所做的研究表明,通过面对面征募,当某人实际上能够与在那里生活,呼吸,敏锐的空军[士官]交谈时,我们可以将所谓的线索转化为征募者以大约8:1的比例,”他说。 “当我们虚拟地和数字地进行此操作时,比率约为30:1。” With closed recruiting stations, no sporting events to sponsor or appear at, no hallways to walk, no coaches and teachers to groom, no high schools to show up at with trailers loaded with militarized video games, recruiters have shifted to social media to find likely students.封闭的招募站,没有体育赛事可以赞助或参加,没有走过的走廊,没有教练和老师来修饰,没有高中出现,装满了军事化视频游戏的拖车,招募者已经转向社交媒体以寻找可能的机会学生们。

Yet the school shutdowns, combined with the economic uncertainty during the pandemic, have only made vulnerable populations more likely to enlist.然而,学校停课,再加上大流行期间的经济不确定性,只会使弱势群体更容易入伍。 The military also is aware of this.军方也意识到这一点。 An一个 美联社记者 六月份指出,在高失业率时期,军队成为贫困家庭青少年的诱人选择。

This is apparent from our work.从我们的工作中可以明显看出这一点。 Truth in Recruitment has been working to reduce recruiter access to students in Santa Maria high schools where the demographics on some campuses are 85% Latinx students, many from immigrant farmworkers working in the fields.招聘真相一直在努力减少招聘人员接触圣玛丽亚高中学生的机会,圣玛利亚高中的某些校园人口中有2020%是拉丁裔学生,其中许多来自在田间工作的移民农场工人。 Nevertheless, the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District (SMJUHSD) was pleased to report in June XNUMX that sixty students from all the area high schools had decided to enlist.尽管如此,圣玛丽亚联合联盟高中区(SMJUHSD)还是很高兴在XNUMX年XNUMX月报告说,该地区所有高中的XNUMX名学生已决定报名参加。

作为致力于规范校园内军事招聘人员的存在以及他们获取学生私人信息的团体,我们看到了大流行病和招聘人员积极的社交媒体活动的后果。 根据2001年的“不让任何一个孩子落后”法案(NCLBA),接受联邦资助的高中必须允许招聘人员与雇主和大学享有相同的学生入学机会。 当学区说他们不能规范招聘人员进入学生和学校的通道时,经常引用该法律。 但是,在法律中显示“可能”的关键词是“相同”。 只要学校政策对所有类型的招聘人员都适用相同的规定,各学区就可以实施规范招聘人员访问权限的政策。 全国各地的许多学区都通过了规范招聘人员准入的政策,包括奥斯汀,德克萨斯州,奥克兰,加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥统一学区和“真相招聘”所基于的圣塔芭芭拉统一学区。

根据联邦法律,虽然要求学区提供学生姓名,地址和父母的电话号码,但家庭有权“选择退出”以防止学校向军方提供有关其子女的更多信息。 但是,现在,青少年拥有自己的手机,招聘人员可以直接访问它们(在社交媒体上关注他们,发短信和通过电子邮件私密发送信息),并且可以在此过程中与朋友联系。 因此,可以规避父母的监督,并忽略家庭的隐私权。 招聘人员不仅可以通过电话访问学生的课程,还可以通过“调查”并签署工作表,在那里他们提出诸如“公民身份?”之类的问题。 和其他机密信息。

Recruiters online tactics can be dubious.招聘人员的在线策略可能令人怀疑。 For one example,举一个例子 民族 报道称,15年2020月2日,美国陆军电子竞技团队在Twitch上为Xbox Elite Series 200控制器做了一则虚假的赠品,价值超过XNUMX美元。没有提及任何赠品。

COVID-19大流行表明,用军事手段无法制止对我们国家的最大威胁。 It has also shown the risks that troops face from working and living close together, making them vulnerable to this deadly disease.它也显示了部队在紧密合作和生活中面临的风险,使他们容易受到这种致命疾病的伤害。 In WW1, more troops died from disease than in combat.在第一次世界大战中,死于疾病的部队多于在战斗中。

The police killings of unarmed black people have also shown the ineffectiveness of force to ensure the safety of our communities.警察杀害手无寸铁的黑人也表明,武力无法确保我们社区的安全。 A young black woman on the news testified that she had considered joining the police force but changed her mind after seeing the systemic abuse of police departments, both in the killing of George Floyd and the way police brutalized peaceful protesters.消息中的一名年轻黑人妇女作证说,她曾考虑加入警察部队,但在看到警察部门遭到系统性虐待之后,改变了主意,包括杀害乔治·弗洛伊德和警察残酷地抗议和平示威者。 Even more pointedly, the death of US Army SPC Vanessa Guillen, murdered by a fellow soldier at Ford Hood in Texas, after first being sexually harassed by an officer, indicates the unstated dangers that recruits can face.更为尖锐的是,在得克萨斯州福特胡德(Ford Hood)的一名士兵杀害了美国陆军最高统帅范妮莎·吉伦(Vanessa Guillen)之后,他遭到了一名官员的性骚扰,这表明新兵可能面临未加说明的危险。




Throughout the pandemic, Truth in Recruitment has given online presentations to students and local community groups.在整个大流行中,“招聘中的真相”已向学生和当地社区团体进行了在线演示。 The focus has been on the stakes of military careers and our campaign to regulate recruiters' access to students.重点一直放在军事事业的利益上,以及我们管理招募人员接触学生的运动。 On social media, we have regularly posted about military recruiting tactics – in order to give students a more balanced view of what life in the military can mean and to recognize that they can choose nonmilitary career options.在社交媒体上,我们定期发布有关军事招募策略的信息-为了使学生更加平衡地了解军人的生活意味着什么,并认识到他们可以选择非军事职业。 The presence of military recruiters on high schools does not serve an educational purpose.高中军事征兵人员的存在没有教育目的。 Our goal is to build student and family awareness so they can make educated choices about their future.我们的目标是建立学生和家庭的意识,以便他们可以就自己的未来做出明智的选择。


Kate Connell is the director of Truth in Recruitment and the parent of two students who attended Santa Barbara schools.凯特·康奈尔(Kate Connell)是“招聘真相”的主管,也是圣塔芭芭拉学校的两名学生的父母。 She is a member of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers.她是贵格会朋友宗教协会的成员。 Along with parents, students, veterans, and other community members, she successfully led the effort to implement a policy regulating recruiters in the Santa Barbara Unified School District.在父母,学生,退伍军人和其他社区成员的陪同下,她成功地领导了一项在圣塔芭芭拉联合学区实施招募人员管理政策的工作。

弗雷德·纳迪斯(Fred Nadis) 是位于圣塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)的作家和编辑,他是“招聘中的真相”的自愿资助者。




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