

作者:David Swanson,十月6,2020

我在古巴  2015年与Code Pink合作。


I've seen the first part.我已经看过第一部分。 It's only 12 minutes.只有十二分钟The series was made in Cuba by Cubans and non-Cubans working together, and executive producers are Oliver Stone and Danny Glover.该系列由古巴人和非古巴人共同在古巴制作,执行制片人是Oliver Stone和Danny Glover。 It'll be on Youtube on Friday, October 9th on the它将于XNUMX月XNUMX日(星期五)在YouTube上发布 野兽之腹通道。 The series has the unfortunate title “The War on Cuba.”该系列的不幸标题是“古巴战争”。

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Of course, what the US government does to Cuba is not actually a war, and that's important, and we should be very glad it isn't a war, that bombs are not falling on Havana, that Guantanamo's torture chambers are not being expanded nationwide.当然,美国政府对古巴的举动实际上并不是战争,这很重要,我们应该很高兴这不是战争,炸弹没有落在哈瓦那,关塔那摩的酷刑室没有在全国范围内扩张。 The all-too-common, virtually unnoticeably normal abuse of the word “war” as a metaphor is probably a symptom of Western culture ignoring actual wars — yes, Fidel Castro called it a war too.对“战争”一词的过分常见,几乎不明显的隐喻是西方文化忽视实际战争的一种征兆-是的,菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)也称其为战争。 But what the US government does to Cuba is deadly, abusive, immoral, and an act of illegal collective punishment.但是美国政府对古巴的做法是致命的,侮辱性的,不道德的,是非法的集体惩罚行为。 Here's这是 涉及的摘要.

第一集叫做 我们无法在您的选举中投票。 In it we meet some people impacted by the US blockade of Cuba: people who need prosthetic legs and can't buy them, people who need tourist business that has disappeared since Trump showed up, people who need bank loans, access to the full internet (something the Cuban government is also against), people who need prescription drugs, etc.在其中,我们遇到了一些受到美国对古巴封锁影响的人:需要假肢但不能购买的人,需要自特朗普出现以来就消失了的旅游业务的人,需要银行贷款的人,可以使用完整的互联网(古巴政府也反对),需要处方药的人等。

The fact is that Obama did something right for once in opening up trade and travel with Cuba.事实是,奥巴马在与古巴进行贸易和旅行方面一次做对了。 And I和我 参观 Cuba and wrote about it and posted lots of photographs.古巴并为此撰写了文章,并张贴了大量照片。 And Trump undid it.特朗普取消了它。 We see footage in this film of Cubans predicting that Trump would be good for Cuba because he wanted to do business there.我们在这部古巴人影片中看到了一些镜头,这些镜头预言特朗普对古巴将有好处,因为他想在古巴做生意。 But Trump let Marco Rubio set his vicious policy, and Trump now campaigns on blockading Cuba — even bragging (this is not in the film but just happened recently) about receiving a “Bay of Pigs Award.”但是特朗普让马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)制定了他的恶性政策,特朗普现在竞选封锁古巴,甚至吹嘘获得“猪湾奖”(这不在电影中,只是最近发生)。

Trump and Coronavirus have hit Cuba like twin disasters, even if cutting back on US travel has probably mitigated the spread of Coronavirus there.特朗普和冠状病毒就像双重灾难袭击了古巴,即使减少美国旅行可能减轻了冠状病毒在古巴的传播。 Even a Chinese billionaire was unable to get ventilators for Cuba past the US blockade.甚至一名中国亿万富翁也无法在美国封锁后为古巴提供呼吸机。 That alone is a deadly policy outcome that looks especially awful to a world largely appreciative of Cuba sending doctors to assist on various continents.仅这是一项致命的政策结果,对于一个对古巴大为赞赏的世界,在世界各大洲派遣医生协助,这一结果显得尤为糟糕。

Trump has made it harder to send money to Cuba and shut Cuban players out of Major League Baseball.特朗普使得向古巴汇款和将古巴球员拒之门外变得更加困难。 What on earth can be the point, the purpose, the motivation?到底什么是目的,目的,动机?

One problem is that the US Congress does nothing, so US presidents behave as kings, creating new policies and undoing them at will.一个问题是,美国国会什么都不做,因此美国总统扮演国王的角色,制定新政策,并随意废除它们。 But the most outrageous problem is that sadistic will.但是最可耻的问题是虐待狂的意愿。 The US blockade of Cuba is the single longest-lasting trade embargo in world history — or so this film claims, although the US has not had open unembargoed trade with North Korea since it created North Korea.这部电影声称,美国对古巴的封锁是世界历史上最长久的单一贸易禁运,尽管美国自从创建朝鲜以来就一直没有与朝鲜进行公开禁运。

Blockading Cuba for decades has done nothing to improve the world or the United States or Cuba in any way.数十年来封锁古巴对以任何方式改善世界或美国或古巴都无济于事。 It has also done nothing to overthrow the Cuban government.它还没有采取任何行动推翻古巴政府。 Celebrating a laughably failed invasion that the CIA meant to use to start an actual war, and continuing to punish the Cuban people for living in Cuba after the Cuban revolution would be ridiculous if it were not creating lines hours-long of people hoping to buy food.庆祝中央情报局用来发动一场真实战争的可笑的失败入侵,并在古巴革命后继续惩罚古巴人民在古巴生活,如果它没有为希望购买食物的人们提供长达数小时的生产线,那将是荒谬的。

US school children to this day can read in text books about the “Spanish-American War,” and the “liberation” of Cuba.迄今为止,美国的学童可以在教科书中阅读有关“西班牙裔美国人战争”和古巴“解放”的书籍。 The mast of the桅杆 缅因号航空母舰 站在美国海军学院及其在纽约市哥伦布圆环的纪念碑上,在美国各地无数的纪念馆中摆放着这艘船的零碎碎片,除非有像《黑色生活》之类的大规模起义,否则战争是光荣的遗产挑战一些特定的例子。

Speaking of which, when the Trump regime decided to re-strengthen the blockade, we were simultaneously treated to bizarre stories of Cuba using mysterious high-tech noise weapons.谈到这一点,当特朗普政权决定重新加强封锁时,我们同时被利用神秘的高科技噪音武器处理了古巴的怪诞故事。 What, if anything, led to the collective fantasy behind the stories is unclear.导致故事背后的集体幻想的原因(如果有的话)尚不清楚。 That there was no weapon involved is clear.显然没有涉及武器。 That the story would have been told very differently, if told at all, had it happened in another part of the world is crystal clear.如果这个故事发生在世界的另一部分,那么如果说的话,故事的叙述会大不相同,这是很清楚的。 That vastly more people in the United States heard the accusations than the corrections is clear and typical.在美国,听到指控的人数远远多于更正,这是明显而典型的。

The United States has one and only one duty toward Cuba: Stop trying to hurt the people who live there.美国对古巴负有唯一的一项职责:停止试图伤害居住在古巴的人民。 The benefits will be human, cultural, and economic.好处将是人类的,文化的和经济的。 The downside does not exist.缺点不存在。

If he were ever actually president, Joe Biden would have to acknowledge having said he would return to Obama-era policies.如果乔伊·拜登(Joe Biden)曾经担任过总统,那么他必须承认曾说过他将重返奥巴马时代的政策。 Of course, he would make sure to demonize Russia in the process, if he actually did Cuba any good — but it seems just possible.当然,如果他实际上对古巴有任何好处,他将确保在此过程中妖魔化俄罗斯-但这似乎是可能的。


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