Many countries operate foreign military bases; the U.S. by far operates the most, with over 900 military bases around the world. But at least 17 other nations operate foreign military bases, each of which increases the risk of war. Some of these physical installations are on land occupied as spoils of war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them brutal and oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence. In many cases, human beings were displaced to make room for these military installations, often depriving people of farmland, adding huge amounts of pollution to local water systems and the air, and existing as an unwelcome presence.
Please use the links on this page to explore the current state of military base expansion and escalation on country-specific map pages. To explore each country’s bases, click on map markers or use the dashboard to make selections. The main page for World BEYOND War’s Close Bases campaign is here.
USA’s Military Empire: 917 Foreign Bases in 98 Countries
Other Nations With Foreign Military Bases (Click for Detail)
UK: 117 Bases in 38 Countries
Turkiye: 128 Bases in 10 Countries
Russia: 58 Bases in 10 Countries
Iran: 22 Bases in 3 Countries
India: 22 Bases in 12 Countries
France: 15 Bases in 10 Countries
UAE: 13 Bases in 5 Countries
Singapore: 10 Bases in 6 Countries
China: 6 Bases in 6 Countries
Canada: 4 Bases in 4 Countries
Netherlands: 3 Bases in 2 Countries
Saudi Arabia: 2 Bases in 2 Countries
Australia: 2 Bases in 2 Countries
Italy: 2 Bases in 2 Countries
Bangladesh: 1 Base in 1 Country
Pakistan: 1 Base in 1 Country
Japan: 1 Base in 1 Country
Closed Foreign Military Bases
Closed Bases: 1803 Former Bases