World Beyond War: A global movement to end all wars

Ending War 101

Are you interested in moving the world away from wars, militarism, and violence, and toward peace, prosperity and planetary health? Sign up for “Ending War 101” to learn about and get involved in the work described in the UN Charter as to ‘Save succeeding generations from the scourge of war‘. Once you sign up through this form, you will receive an email with the details to log onto the course.

Watch a brief promotional video here:

In this FREE (6-hour) online course, we’ll explore how war and the preparations for war are the biggest threat to sustainable peace and development, environmental well-being, and life itself. We’ll also reflect on our presumptions about war as well as how war is tolerated and what this toleration costs us. And we’ll also clarify what really makes us safe and identify ways to take action needed to enact change.

The vision of the course is to find, connect, and empower current and future leaders and innovators who share the belief that ending all wars is critical to advancing the prospects for achieving sustainable peace and development. Whether you’re a new or experienced peacebuilder, the course is for you!

  • Content includes a mix of readings, videos, powerpoints, online discussions, and short quizzes.
  • The weekly modules are not live or scheduled. You can log on whenever works for you. Enrollment is on a rolling basis.
  • Learn from, dialogue with, and strategize for change with other peacebuilders.
  • Become part of a global movement to end all wars.
  • Earn a certificate of completion.
  • Get a free digital copy of World BEYOND War’s (WBW) book.

Course Outline:

  • Module 1: Can War be Ended?
  • Module 2: Is a “Just War” Even Possible?
  • Module 3: What Does it Cost us to Allow the War System to Continue?
  • Module 4: How Can Rotary Help Us Shift from a War System to a Peace System?

Read what past students have to say about our previous courses

Course fee: $50 (Pay less if you have to, more if you can.) The cost of the course is the same for someone completing all, some, or none of the assignments.

  • Registration – $50.00
  • Financially strapped discount – $25.00
  • I’m seriously broke– $5
  • Help others take part – $100.00
  • Be a superstar – $200.00

To register by check,
1. Email Phill Gittins at World BEYOND War and tell him.
2. Make the check out to World BEYOND War and send it to World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville VA 22902 USA.

More about the course


  • Helen Peacock, MSc: member of the Board, Rotary Action Group For Peace; Founder, Pivot2Peace; South Georgian Bay Chapter Coordinator, WBW:
  • Phill Gittins, PhD: Education Director, WBW; Rotary Peace Fellow; and Rotary-IEP Positive Peace Activator:

Ending War 101 is based on the awarding-winning content and resources of WBW. This course is currently in its third iteration, and was edited by Helen Peacock with the support of Dr. Phill Gittins. Helen, Phill, and a small group of Rotarians from the Organizing Committee for this course. The course builds on successful pilots in 2022 and 2023 which members of the Rotary family (including Rotarians, Rotaract, Rotary staff, Rotary Peace Fellows, and Positive Peace Activators) reported significant shifts in themselves and their worldviews, as a result of participating in the course. This work is a foundation to build on. Now the challenge is to go-to-scale – to engage more people and more key people, with the aim of building a global movement to end war – a strong area of common interest within the RAGFP and at the heart of WBW’s work.

  • The Rotarian Action Group for Peace is an action-driven group of Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Peace Fellows, Rotary Peace Activators, IEP Ambassadors, District Peace Chairs, Club Peace Chairs, Peacebuilding Club, and RAGFP members, working together to advance peace and prevent wars throughout the world.
  • World BEYOND War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace, with peace pledge signers in 193 countries and chapters and affiliates around the world. Among WBW’s awards are the Educators’ Challenge Award and the US Peace Prize Award. These awards are given to organizations and individuals for exceptional global advocacy, creative peace education, and direct action aimed at addressing large-scale issues such as war, climate change, and nuclear weapons.