President Biden: Stop Israeli Government’s Attacks on Palestinian Civil Society
Civil society from around the world demand immediate action
Civil society from around the world demand immediate action
In this extensive interview, Stephen Zunes breaks down the history (1973-2022) of the political instability in Western Sahara.
A discussion with the Secretary of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Maine Chapter and the co-chair of the chapter’s committee working to prevent nuclear war.
Consequences of Finnish and Swedish NATO membership: Discussions on what is happening and what can we in the international peace and environmental movement do now.
This week on Talk World Radio we’re discussing dramatic political developments in Pakistan with Professor Junaid S. Ahmad who is the Director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality and teaches Law, Religion, and Global Politics in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Il Secondo Annuale War Abolisher Awards di World BEYOND War riconosceranno il lavoro di un’organizzazione ambientalista che ha impedito operazioni militari nei parchi statali dello Stato di Washington, un regista neozelandese che ha documentato il potere di pacificatori disarmati, i lavoratori portuali italiani che hanno bloccato la spedizione di armi da guerra, e l’attivista per la pace britannico e membro del parlamento Jeremy Corbyn che ha preso una posizione coerente a favore della pace nonostante le intense pressioni.
World BEYOND War’s Second Annual War Abolisher Awards will recognize the work of an environmental organization that has prevented military operations in state parks in Washington State, a filmmaker from New Zealand who has documented the power of unarmed peacemaking, Italian dock workers who have blocked the shipment of weapons of war, and British peace activist and Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn who has taken a consistent stand for peace despite intense pressure.
The David Hartsough Lifetime Individual War Abolisher of 2022 Award will be presented to British peace activist and Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn who has taken a consistent stand for peace despite intense pressure.
Il Premio Lifetime Organizational War Abolisher 2022 sarà assegnato al Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali (CALP) e all’Unione Sindacale di Base Lavoro Privato (USB) in riconoscimento del blocco delle spedizioni di armi da parte dei lavoratori portuali italiani, che hanno bloccato le spedizioni verso alcuni guerre degli ultimi anni.