
By World BEYOND War, Novembru 14, 2021

#AllOutForWedzinkwa! A message from our organizer Rachel Small who has spent the last 2 weeks on Gidimt’en land in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en people as they defend their territory from Coastal Gaslink’s pipeline and colonial state violence.


In sharp contrast to the violence perpetrated by Canada under the banner of “defense,” what she saw there was a defense centred on protecting people, land, water, and based on a deep respect for ancestors and future generations. A defense that has already stopped more than a dozen pipelines that have attempted to cross Wet’suwet’en territory.


More about the context of this struggle, connections to war abolition and militarism, and why we supported our organizer in traveling to Wet’suwet’en territory hawn.

Join us in taking a stand now! Get daily updates and learn about how you can get involved here: https://www.yintahaccess.com/ #WetsuwetenStrong

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