I-Webinar: I-AFRICOM Namalungelo Abantu E-Afrika

I-Women's International League for Peace & Freedom-US Section, iBlack Alliance Yokuthula, & World BEYOND War isingathe le webinar kwi-United States African Command (AFRICOM) kanye Namalungelo Abantu e-Afrika ngoLwesihlanu, ngoDisemba 4.

I-webinar ibinemibiko yabantu besifazane be-WILPF echaza ukuthi i-AFROM iba namiphi imiphumela emazweni abo: UJoy Onyesoh, uMongameli we-WILPF International, ukhulume ngeNigeria; USylvie Ndongmo, omele i-Africa Region ye-WILPF, ukhulume ngeCameroon; UMarie-Claire Faray, okumanje uhlala e-UK, ukhulume ngeDemocratic Republic of the Congo; futhi uChristine Odera, iCommonwealth Youth Peace Ambassador Ambassador Network - Kenya Country Coordinator (CYPAN), bakhulume ngeKenya. Ezinye izikhulumi ezifakiwe zihlanganisa umbhali nomlobi uMargaret Kimberley, obemele iBlack Alliance for Peace, nohlelo lwabo: Out of Africa: Shut Down AFRICOM. IWebinar ivunyelwe ngu: 1 + 1, AfricaFocus Bulletin, Alaska Peace Center, Albany Peace Seekers, Alliance for Global Justice, AVEALTO Ltd., Benedictine University, Better World Cameroon, Black Workers for Justice, Brandywine Peace Community, ICanada Voice of Women for Peace , ECameroon nge World BEYOND War, Initiative Canadian Initiative, Catholic Worker, Central Florida ngenhloso ye- World BEYOND War, Chamber of Conscience, CISPES, CODEPINK, COMMON CAUSE UK / DRC, Congo Civil Society of South Africa, Congo Diaspora Network, Coop Anti-War Café Berlin, CovertAction Magazine, CryoRain Inc., Democratic World Federalists, Deutscher Friedensrat e. V. (German Peace Council), Dominican Sisters, Elaka DRC, Equal Exchange, Equality - Wardah Boutros for Women Rights, EQUO, FairNow, FiLiA, Forum for Progressive Future, Frente Unido America Latina Berlin, Friedensfabrik Wanfried, Abangane baseCongo, IGlobal Exchange, Grassroots Coalition for Environmental and Economic Justice, IGREENCAST AFRICA, iHarlem Women International UN / NYC-NGO, neNew Future Foundations, Inc., UKUPHILA NOKUVIKELA UMHLABA WETHU KANYE- ISICELO SOKUTHANDAZA, ​​I-HipHopEd, Umthetho Wasekhaya Emhlabeni Wonke, Ithemba 4 Wonke Umphakathi Wezinkolo ze-UHM, i-ICSEE, i-Impact Galaxy, i-Initiative Black & White, i-International Action Center, i-International Peace Research Association, i-Irthlingz yezobuciko esekwe kwezemfundo yezemvelo, i-JecoFoundation, i-Knowdrones.com, i-Labour Today ~ i-El Trabajo Diario, ama-Law Office ka-Daniel A. Mengeling , LGEA (La Guerra Empieza Aquí), Umhlangano Wanyanga Zonke waseLos Angeles, Malcolm X Center for Human Rights, MammaPrimitiva Pathway to Traditional Midwifery, Migrant Roots Media, Movement for People's Democ i-racy, i-Neighborhood Network News, i-New Afrikan Independence Party, i-NoGuerra NO Nato, Azisekho Amabhomu, i-Nonviolence 101 Manual, i-Older Feminist Network, i-ONE DC Black Workers Center Chorus, iPan-African Community Action (PACA), Umzekeliso weSower Intentional Community Cooperative , Partera Peacebuilders International, PAX Christi Seed Planters, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Peace Action Maine, Peace Action of WI, PeaceWorks, PeachAid Medical initiative, Portland Central America Solidarity Committee, UKUVIMBELA. ISENZO. UKUGUQULWA., Isiphakamiso Umkhankaso Owodwa, Indawo Yokukhosela Abantu Abampofu, Roxanne Warren Architects, Sadiki Educational Safari Inc, Indawo Engcwele YeMana Ke'a Gardens, Show Up! I-America, Umphakathi Amasiko Wokuthula, Inethiwekhi Yaseningizimu Yokulwa Nobandlululo, iSouthern Vision Alliance, i-StartUpAfrica, Ubuciko Nezombusazwe Kwezobulungiswa Nenjabulo, I-Organiser Newspaper, Toward Freedom, Ubuntu Institute for Community Development, United for Peace and Justice, United National Antiwar IKomidi Lezokuphatha le-Coalition (UNAC), uMkhandlu Wokuthula wase-US, Omakadebona Bokuthula Linus Pauling Isahluko Corvallis, AmaVeterans For Peace Santa Fe Chapter, We Charge Genocide DC, Whatcom Peace and Justice Centre, WILPF Boston Branch, WILPF Burlington VT Branch, WILPF Cape Cod Branch , WILPF Des Moines Branch, WILPF East Bay Branch, WILPF Greater Philadelphia Branch, WILPF Humboldt Branch, WILPF Jane Addams Branch, WILPF Maine, WILPF Milwaukee, WILPF Monterey County Branch (CA), WILPF Peninsula / Palo Alto Branch, WILPF Pittsburgh, ISan Francisco Branch, WILPF San Jose (CA), WILPF Triangle Branch, WILPF Tucson, WILPF UK, WILPF US Disarm / End Wars Committee, WNC4Peace, Women Rising Radio, Women for Peace in the Worl d, Women Watch Afrika, Inc, kanye ne-YouMeWe Social Impact Group Inc.

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le ngeke ishicilelwe. Ezidingekayo ibhalwe *

Izihloko ezihlobene Nalesi

Umbono Wethu Woshintsho

Indlela Yokuqeda Impi

Hambisa Inselele Yokuthula
Imicimbi Yempi
Sisize Sikhule

Abaxhasi Abancane Basigcina Sihamba

Uma ukhetha ukwenza umnikelo ophindelelayo okungenani ongu-$15 ngenyanga, ungase ukhethe isipho sokubonga. Sibonga abanikeli bethu abaphindelelayo kuwebhusayithi yethu.

Leli yithuba lakho lokucabanga kabusha a world beyond war
Isitolo se-WBW
Humusha kuya kunoma yiluphi ulimi