Thank You for Helping End Wars

Thank you for taking action!

All of our online actions to do and to share with others lapha.

Please explore our whole website and especially — if you haven’t yet — do this: Sayina Isimemezelo Sokuthula.

Umbono Wethu Woshintsho

Indlela Yokuqeda Impi

Move For Peace Challenge
Sisize Sikhule

Abaxhasi Abancane Basigcina Sihamba

Uma ukhetha ukwenza umnikelo ophindelelayo okungenani ongu-$15 ngenyanga, ungase ukhethe isipho sokubonga. Sibonga abanikeli bethu abaphindelelayo kuwebhusayithi yethu.

Leli yithuba lakho lokucabanga kabusha a world beyond war
Imicimbi ezayo
Isitolo se-WBW
Humusha kuya kunoma yiluphi ulimi