Tamara Lorincz, Ilungu Lebhodi Lokweluleka

UTamara Lorincz uyiLungu Lebhodi Lokweluleka la World BEYOND War. Uzinze eCanada. UTamara Lorincz ungumfundi we-PhD ku-Global Governance e-Balsillie School for International Affairs (Wilfrid Laurier University). UTamara uthole iziqu ze-MA ku-International Politics & Security Studies eNyuvesi yaseBradford e-United Kingdom ngo-2015. Waklonyeliswa nge-Rotary International World Peace Fellowship futhi wayengumcwaningi ophezulu we-International Peace Bureau eSwitzerland. Njengamanje uTamara usebhodini le-Canadian Voice of Women for Peace kanye nekomidi lezeluleko lamazwe ngamazwe le-Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space. Uyilungu le-Canadian Pugwash Group kanye ne-Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. U-Tamara wayeyilungu elisungula ngokubambisana le-Vancouver Island Peace and Disarmament Network ngo-2016. U-Tamara une-LLB/JSD kanye ne-MBA egxile kumthetho wezemvelo nokuphatha e-Dalhousie University. UnguMqondisi Omkhulu wangaphambili weNova Scotia Environmental Network kanye nomsunguli we-East Coast Environmental Law Association. Izithakazelo zakhe zocwaningo umthelela wezempi emvelweni nasekuguqukeni kwesimo sezulu, ukuphambana nokuthula nokuvikeleka, ubulili nobudlelwano bamazwe ngamazwe, kanye nodlame lwezocansi lwezempi.

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