Woza eMontenegro ngoJulayi 2022

If you want to come, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page by July 5th!

Sinjajevina is the Balkans’ biggest mountain grassland and a place of outstanding beauty. It is used by more than 500 families of farmers and nearly 3,000 people. Many of its pastures are governed communally by eight different Montenegrin tribes, and the Sinjajevina plateau is part of the Tara Canyon Biosphere Reserve at the same time as it is bordered by two UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Nature and local communities in danger:
Manje imvelo kanye nokuziphilisa kwaleyo miphakathi yendabuko kusengozini eseduze: uhulumeni waseMontenegrin, esekelwa abalingani ababalulekile be-NATO, wasungula indawo yokuqeqeshwa kwezempi enhliziyweni yala mazwe omphakathi, naphezu kwezinkulungwane zamasignesha ngokumelene nalo futhi ngaphandle kwemvelo, ezempilo, noma ukuhlolwa komthelela wenhlalo-mnotho. Njengoba isongela kakhulu imvelo eyingqayizivele yaseSinjajevina kanye nemiphakathi yasendaweni, uhulumeni uphinde wamisa ipaki yesifunda ehleliwe ukuze kuvikelwe futhi kuthuthukiswe imvelo namasiko, iningi labo izindleko zokuklama iphrojekthi yazo ezicishe zibe ngama-Euro angu-300,000 zakhokhelwa yi-EU, futhi eyafakwa phakathi Uhlelo lwendawo olusemthethweni lwaseMontenegro kuze kube ngu-2020.

European Union must stand with Sinjajevina:
Montenegro wants to be part of the European Union, and EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, is leading those conversations. The Commissioner must urge the Montenegrin government to meet European standards, close the military training ground, and create a protected area in Sinjajevina, as preconditions to join the EU.

Saving Sinjajevina is a #MissionPossible:
The local people have put their bodies in the way and prevented military exercises on their land — an amazing victory! The movement was awarded the Umklomelo Wokuqeda Impi ka-2021. But they need our help to make their success permanent and end all efforts to build a NATO military base or training area in Montenegro.

The petition asks for:

  • Ensuring the removal of the military training ground in Sinjajevina in a legally binding manner.
  • Creating a protected area in Sinjajevina co-designed and co-governed by local communities.


Bamba iqhaza World BEYOND War’s Annual Conference #NoWar2022 from Montenegro or wherever you are!

Camping: Bring your tent and all your camping material! It’s a plastic-free camp. The community will take care of lunch and dinners, but you are welcome to bring additional food for breakfast and snacks. The closest town is Kolašin and it’s one hour drive from the campsite. You can find the camp site lapha. The campsite doesn’t include showers. There is a small river to have access to water, but it has to remain free of soap.

Arrive in Montenegro by plane, road, or train before 4-5 pm, in order to allow enough time (a bit less than one hour needed) to be driven in daylight on rough trails up to the camp in Sinjajevina. Expect to sleep in tents at 1,800 meters above sea level. If possible bring your sleeping bag and camping mattress, but if not possible, Save Sinjajevina will provide them.

Travel to the Sinjajevina campsite.
Installation of the camp. Dinner with community leaders.

For the early birds: cow milking and hiking in the mountains. Workshops about Sinjajevina & connection from the mountains to the online global #NoWar2022 Inkomfa. Campfire: dinner, poetry, & music.

Hike to discover the flora of Sinjajevina and collect flowers for Petrovdan. Visiting the Katun (traditional houses). Crown flower workshops. National campers can leave the camp in the afternoon. International campers are welcome to stay, but Sunday night and Monday are free days.

Preparation day for Petrovdan! Campers who want to give a hand are welcome to stay but no special activities are planned. The community will be preparing Petrovdan.

This is the most important day to be in Sinjajevina. Petrovdan is the traditional celebration of Saint Peter’s Day at the Sinjajevina campsite (Savina voda). 100+ people gather every year on this day in Sinjajevina. Transport back to Kolašin and Podgorica for those who may need it. In the morning and early afternoon there will be a celebration of Saint Peter’s Day traditional festivity (Petrovdan) in the same location of the camp in Sinjajevina (Savina voda). All food and drink during the 11th and 12th will be provided by Save Sinjajevina at no cost, like the sleeping in tents, which will be provided by Save Sinjajevina too.

World BEYOND War Youth Summit at the foothills of Sinjajevina with 20-25 youth from the Balkans. Campers can join some of the activities of the summit, hike in the mountains or discover the nightlife of I-Podgorica.

This is the most important day to be in Podgorica. Save Sinjajevina, accompanied by 100+ Montenegrin supporters & a delegation of international supporters in representation of different NGOs from around the world will travel to the capital of Montenegro (Podgorica) to submit isicelo to: the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Defense, and the EU Delegation in Montenegro to officially cancel the military training ground in Sinjajevina. Early morning transport Kolašin-Podgorica.

The camp is 1,800 meters above sea level. Please bring rain gear, warm clothes, a tent, sleeping bag, camping gear, water bottle, and cutlery. If you don’t have a tent or gear, contact us so we can accommodate you. The community will provide drinking water and lunch and dinner on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th. Please bring additional food for breakfast and snacks and for July 11 (free day) (food that does not require refrigeration and cooking). The organization will provide breakfast and snacks known as “shepherd’s snack,” but just in case, bring something to your liking. The campsite doesn’t include showers. There is a river, but it has to remain soap-free.

The campsite is a 1-hour drive north-west from the nearest town of Kolašin. The closest train station is Kolašin and the nearest airport is Podgorica. By car, it is 6h from Belgrade, 5.5h from Sarajevo, 4h from Pristina, 4h from Tirana and 3.5h from Dubrovnik. Please arrive in Kolašin the 8th OR the 11th of July before 5pm, to allow enough time to be driven in daylight on rough trails up to the camp in Sinjajevina.

Kusukela Podgorica to Kolašin:
rain (4.80 euros): Get your ticket here. The location of the train station in Podgorica is here. By bus (6 euros): Get your ticket here. The location of the bus station in Podgorica is here. Ngo-taxi (50 euros): RED TAXI Podgorica +382 67 319 714

From Kolašin to Sinjajevina:

In the period from 2pm to 6pm, on July 8 and 11, the organization Save Sinjajevina will provide
transportation from Kolašin Bus Station kuya the camp on Savina Voda, Sinjajevina. Or by taxi from Kolašin up to the final destination in Savina Lake Sinjajevina: Contact +382 67 008 008
(Viber, WhatsApp), or +382 68 007 567 (Viber)

Contact person for transport coordination:
Persida Jovanović +382 67 015 062 (Viber and WhatsApp)

Montenegrin citizens and foreigners
can enter Montenegro through all border crossings without a COVID isitifiketi, kodwa hlola lapha to see if you need a visa to enter Montenegro from your country.

Humusha kuya kunoma yiluphi ulimi