Ingxoxo ezayo kwi "Ngaba Imfazwe iyimfuneko." Nceda Yiza.

Ngaba Imfazwe Iyadingeka?

A Debate

UDavid Swanson (Imfazwe Lixoki) vs. Roger Bergman (“There are just wars.”)

Oct. 5, 7:00 p.m., McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College.

Campus Road, Colchester, Vermont 05439 (just outside of Burlington).

Sponsored by the Peace and Justice Club and the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice.

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Shiya iMpendulo

Idilesi yakho ye email aziyi kupapashwa. amasimi ezifunekayo ziphawulwa *

Amanqaku Afana

Ithiyori yethu yoTshintsho

Indlela Yokuphelisa Imfazwe

Yiya kuCelomngeni loXolo
Iziganeko ze-Antiwa
Sincede Sikhule

Ababoneleli abancinci bagcina sihamba

Ukuba ukhetha ukwenza igalelo eliphinda-phindayo ubuncinane le-$15 ngenyanga, unokukhetha isipho sokubulela. Sibulela abanikeli bethu rhoqo kwiwebhusayithi yethu.

Eli lithuba lakho lokucinga kwakhona a world beyond war
Ivenkile yeWBW
Guqula kulo naluphi na ulwimi