Ingoma yoXolo eHuntsville, Alabama

Ishicilelwe ngoMeyi 7, 2017

On the opening day of the 25th annual conference of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space — this year held at Huntsville, Alabama, April 7-9, 2017, home of the US military’s THAAD missile defense and many other weapons systems –activists Bruce Gagnon, Dave Webb, Hyun Lee and Yasuo Ogata address a press conference, telling of the costs and dangers of missile defense and of weaponizing space. Then the GN conference attendees hold a vigil with signs outside the gates of Redstone Arsenal at closing time.

Shiya iMpendulo

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Indlela Yokuphelisa Imfazwe

Yiya kuCelomngeni loXolo
Iziganeko ze-Antiwa
Sincede Sikhule

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Eli lithuba lakho lokucinga kwakhona a world beyond war
Ivenkile yeWBW
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