Чија је то уопште моја?

By Darts and Letters, Фебруар КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС

Канада воли да тргује тропом „средње моћи“. Ушушкана међу многим, запетљана са вршњачким државама тик изван фокуса посвећеног глобалним хегемонима, земља наставља свој посао, пријатељска и блага. Нема ништа да се види овде.

But behind the facade is a past and present of neocolonial plundering. Canada is a mining powerhouse, off on extractive misadventures in the Global South. It’s also a notable contributor to the global arms trade, including a weapons deal that helps fuel the devastating Saudi-led war in Yemen.

We look at Canada’s role in ripping up the world and selling it military weapons. We also look back a 20th century movement that might have put a stop to all this.

  • First, (@9:01), Рацхел Смалл is an anti-war activist and organizer with the Canadian Chapter of World BEYOND War. On January 25th, she joined others in a protest aimed at disrupting the shipment of light armoured vehicles (LAVs)  — also known as, well, цистерне — destined for the Middle East. She breaks down Canada’s arm sales to Saudi Arabia and discusses direct action efforts against the country’s arms traders.
  • Then, (@21:05) Todd Gordon is assistant professor of Law and Society at Laurier University and co-author of Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America. He busts the myth of Canada as a weak, subordinate power held down by bigger foreign states and runs down the country’s history of exploitative extractive projects in the Global South, especially in Latin America.
  • Finally (@39:17) Винцент Бевинс is a journalist and author of the extraordinary book Метода Џакарте, detailing the US Cold War policy of backing brutally repressive military regimes. He reminds us that the imperialism and colonialism of this century and the last were not inevitable. The Third World Movement was premised on the idea that non-Western and non-Soviet states would chart their own path and take their place alongside the “first” and “second” world countries in a post-colonial world. Washington, however, had other ideas.

LISTEN AT Darts and Letters.

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