ВИДЕО вебинара: Повратак са ивице нуклеарног рата

By Central Florida chapters of Veterans For Peace and World BEYOND War, Септембар КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС

Dr. Douglas Dransfield lives in Cape Elizabeth, ME. He is a retired pediatrician, father and grandfather. He was a neonatologist at Maine Medical Center and cared for infants in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. He is Secretary of PSR Maine (Physicians for Social Responsibility, Maine Chapter) and the co-chair of the chapter’s committee working to prevent nuclear war. PSR Maine actively promotes Back from the Brink, a call to work together toward a world free of nuclear weapons and advocate for common sense nuclear weapons policies to secure a safer, more just future. Doug enjoys speaking to the public as an opportunity to tell what is and can be done by individuals to end the risk of nuclear war

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