Решено: Пронаћи заступнике мира у свакој нацији

From all around the globe, nearly 50,000 people have signed this statement:

Разумијем да нас ратови и милитаризам чине мање сигурнима, а не да нас штите, да убијају, рањавају и трауматизују одрасле, дјецу и дјецу, озбиљно нарушавају природну околину, нарушавају грађанске слободе и исцрпљују наше економије, извлаче ресурсе из активности које афирмишу живот . Обавезујем се да ћу се укључити и подржати ненасилне напоре да се окончају сви ратови и припреме за рат и да се створи одржив и праведан мир.

Anyone inclined to can sign it here: https://worldbeyondwar.org/individual

У сваком од Земље КСНУМКС, somewhere between 1 and several thousand people have signed. The purpose of the statement is to begin organizing a truly global movement. But certain countries are missing. Let’s resolve to add them to the map in 2017.

Obviously there exists at least one person in Venezuela and in Cuba and in Honduras and in Haiti and the Dominican Republic who wants to end all war. As in most countries, it is likely that већина људи in those countries want to do so. But who will be the first to put their name down?

Organizations can sign too, and several hundred have done so at: https://worldbeyondwar.org/organization

Can we find signers who will sign online or on фотокопија in Algeria, Libya, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, Mauritania, Liberia, Chad, Angola?

What about in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, North Korea, or Papua New Guinea?

Beyond adding a single signer in each of these places, we want to add volunteer leaders who will join the global coordination of educational and activist efforts to rid our species of the disease of militarism before it rids the planet of us.

In Земље КСНУМКС people have already signed and in a growing list have become active. World Beyond War now has country coordinators all over the world and is hiring paid staff to begin in January and work with them to accelerate our growth and intensify our activities.

Do you know anyone in any of the missing countries? Can you ask them to sign?

Do you know anyone who might know anyone who might know anyone in any of the missing countries? Can you ask их to sign?

Можете ли донети sign up sheets to any events you organize or attend in 2017 and ask everyone to sign, then mail them in (or photograph and email them in)? This is how we’ll grow. And this growth combined with the power of our message промениће свет.


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