Смернице ЈАПА фонда за разоружање

Сврха Мировна асоцијација Јане Аддамс (JAPA) Disarmament Fund is to encourage and support US individuals and organizations in educational endeavors related to disarmament and anti-nuclear work. JAPA will award funding once a year to applicants who meet the Disarmament Fund guidelines. A JAPA Disarmament Fund committee will receive the applications and make the awards to projects that have a clearly defined expected outcome and evaluation of the same.

Funding is awarded to help people:

  • Attend and make presentations at meetings to educate participants in the necessity of disarmament and abolition of nuclear weapons.
  • Engage in strategizing, networking or organizing for disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons.
  • Undertake research in such areas as disarmament, proliferation of nuclear weapons and methods of disposing of nuclear waste, among others.
  • Prepare materials such as flyers, YouTube videos, DVD’s, children’s books, etc., as publicity and as educational tools.
  • Advocate for educational programs in disarmament education to become part of school curricula.

Please send in your recent history of working in the disarmament field: projects completed and outcome of time and funding; including under what auspices the project was conducted and funded.

Those receiving funding from the JAPA Disarmament Fund agree to acknowledge the Jane Addams Peace Association in all literature and publicity and to send in a full report including all receipts for expenses. Unused funds must be returned. This report is to come to JAPA within a month of project completion.

An individual, branch or organization may not receive funding more than once in a 24-month period.

Deadline for submission is June 30. Any applications received after 5 pm Eastern Time on the due date will be considered in the next cycle.

The application will:

  • Have a clear budget including how the funds would be used and specific amounts for the purposes. Other funding sources for the same project should be listed.
  • Include outcomes that are expected, and how these outcomes can be evaluated.
  • Include a timeline for completion, or partial completion of the proposed project.
  • Explore creative ways of engaging the public.
  • Include a brief history of your organization and the record of success with other projects.

The grant must be consistent with the mission of JAPA:

The mission of the Jane Addams Peace Association is to perpetuate the spirit of Jane Addams’ love for children and humanity, commitment to freedom and democracy, and devotion to the cause of world peace by:

  • Collecting funds, administering and investing them in a socially responsible manner for the fulfillment of this mission;
  • Continuing the legacy of Jane Addams by supporting and advancing the work of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award; and
  • Supporting the peace and social justice projects of the WILPF and other non-profits.

Use of funds must be consistent with Internal Revenue restrictions on the use of 501(c)(3) funds for lobbying or endorsing candidates.

Applications should be sent electronically to the President, Jane Addams Peace Association: president@janeaddamspeace.org.

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