Апел Мађарске заједнице за мир за заштиту мира наше земље

By Presidency of the Hungarian Community for Peace, July 9, 2022

The Hungarian Community for Peace calls on Hungarians to protect the peace of our country. Let’s prevent from plunging our people and nation into war! We call on those who value Hungarian life to unite in defense of peace, overcome our worldview and political differences, and to create a “Forum for Peace” together for the sake of this goal.

The Peace Forum appeals to all individuals, communities, social and political organizations who consider Hungary’s peace and our country’s good relations with both the East and the West to be a national interest, to jointly declare their will to protect the peace of our country!

Indicate whether you are ready to participate in the creation of the Forum for Peace coalition and its ceremonial establishment, the time and location of which will be announced later. We count on your participation! Please indicate your intention to participate to the following e-mail address: magyarbekekor@gmail.com

For its part, the Hungarian Community for Peace defines the fundamental goal of the Forum for Peace as:

We protect the peace of Hungary! We prevent anyone, for any reason or pretext, from plunging our country into war against Russia or anyone else, so that Hungarian blood does not flow again for foreign interests;

До live in peace and on good terms with both East and West, to this end, we must come to terms with Russia, and we also require our Western allies to come to terms with it on the basis of the principle of mutual guarantee and indivisibility of security. In accordance with the requirement of respect, equality and peaceful cooperation;

Let us promote the creation of a world order of cooperation by building bridges so that Hungary can live and develop in peace and security.

We are ready to listen to the opinions of others, to take coordinated joint action.

In the Peace Forum, we want to turn the jointly designated goals into concrete actions in consultation with the partner organizations! We want to do our work in the spirit of equality, mutual respect, thinking and acting together with goals in mind!

May our noble service be accompanied by the support and love of our people and nation!


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