Purezidenti Biden: Lekani Kuwukira kwa Boma la Israeli pa Palestine Civil Society

Wolemba Center for Constitutional Rights, September 1, 2022

Mabungwe a anthu padziko lonse lapansi amafuna kuti achitepo kanthu mwamsanga.

Wokondedwa Purezidenti:

Timalemba chifukwa cha kuyankha kwanu kosalekeza pakuwukira kwa boma la Israeli motsutsana ndi magulu otchuka a ufulu wachibadwidwe wa anthu ku Palestina ndi mabungwe a anthu m'miyezi ya 10 yapitayi kwaika chitetezo ndi moyo wa omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe wa Palestine pachiwopsezo chachikulu. Tikupempha kuti tichitepo kanthu mwamsanga potsatira kuwonjezereka kwaposachedwa kwa boma la Israeli kuti athetse njira zopondereza zomwe akuluakulu a Israeli akuyandikira ndikuwonetsetsa kuti anthu aku Palestine ali ndi ufulu wopitiliza ntchito yake yovuta.

Sabata yatha, pakuwonjezereka kwakukulu, asitikali ankhondo aku Israeli adalowa m'maofesi a mabungwe asanu ndi awiri a ufulu wachibadwidwe wa anthu aku Palestine ndi mabungwe ammudzi ku West Bank yomwe idalandidwa pa Ogasiti 18, 2022, ndikutseka zitseko zawo, kulamula kuti zitsekedwe, ndikugwira makompyuta ndi zida zina zachinsinsi. M'masiku otsatirawa, otsogolera mabungwe adayitanidwa ndi asitikali aku Israeli ndi Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) kuti akafunse mafunso. Anthu onse ogwira ntchito pakali pano akuopsezedwa kuti amangidwa komanso kuimbidwa milandu. Ngakhale ambiri padziko lonse lapansi anali ofulumira kudzudzula maboma a Israeli mchitidwe wochititsa manyazi wandale mu Okutobala 2021 potchula mabungwe omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe waku Palestine ngati "zigawenga" motsogozedwa ndi Lamulo lolimbana ndi uchigawenga la Israeli, oyang'anira anu akana kuchita kapena kukana kuukira kwa Palestine. mabungwe aboma, ndipo adachitanso zotsimikizira kuphatikiza kuletsa visa yovomerezeka yaku US yomwe mtsogoleri wa bungwe limodzi lomwe akufuna. Kuyankha mpaka pano kwangothandiza komanso kupatsa mphamvu boma la Israeli kuti lichirikize ndikukulitsa kuponderezana kwake.

Mabungwe omwe akukhudzidwawo ndi gawo la maziko a mabungwe a Palestina omwe akhala akuteteza ndi kupititsa patsogolo ufulu wachibadwidwe wa anthu aku Palestine kwazaka zambiri pazovuta zapadziko lonse lapansi, kuphatikizapo ufulu wa ana, ufulu wa akaidi, ufulu wa amayi, ufulu wa chikhalidwe ndi zachuma, ufulu wa ogwira ntchito m'mafamu, chilungamo ndi kuyankha mlandu wapadziko lonse lapansi. Zikuphatikizapo: Defense for Children International - Palestine, Al Haq, Addameer, Bisan Center for Research and Development, Union of Agricultural Work Committees, ndi Union of Palestinian Women's Committees. Iwo ndi othandizana nawo odalirika pa ntchito yathu yogwirizana kuti titeteze ufulu wa anthu kwa onse.

Popeza kuti boma la Israeli linaletsa mwalamulo magulu a anthu, mabungwe omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe padziko lonse lapansi, bungwe la United Nations, ndi maboma omwe adafufuza zomwe Israeli adanena - adapeza kuti ndi zopanda pake. Izi zikuphatikizapo maboma a 10 a ku Ulaya omwe adatsutsa milanduyi pakati pa July 2022. Mu lipoti lovuta kwambiri lomwe linatulutsidwa sabata ino, bungwe la US Central Intelligence Agency linanena kuti linayesa zomwe boma la Israeli linapereka kumayambiriro kwa chaka chino kuti palibe umboni uliwonse womwe umatchedwa umboni. boma la Israeli likutero. Kuphatikiza apo, mamembala a Congress apempha olamulira anu kuti adzudzule ndikukana zomwe boma la Israeli likuukira anthu aku Palestine.

Monga magulu odzipereka ku chilungamo cha chikhalidwe cha anthu, ufulu wa anthu, ndi ufulu wa anthu onse, tawona poyamba njira zomwe mlandu wa "chigawenga" ndi zomwe zimatchedwa "nkhondo yowopsya" zimawopseza osati oteteza ufulu wa anthu padziko lonse, komanso chikhalidwe cha anthu. mayendedwe ndi madera osasankhidwa kuno ku US: Amwenye, Akuda, a bulauni, Asilamu, ndi Achiarabu omenyera ufulu komanso madera nawonso akumana ndi kutonthola, kuwopseza, kuphwanya malamulo komanso kuyang'aniridwa pamilandu yopanda pake. Chiwopsezo cholimbana ndi gulu laufulu wachibadwidwe ku Palestina ndikuwopseza magulu omenyera ufulu wa anthu kulikonse, ndipo kuti ateteze ufulu wachibadwidwe ndi omenyera ufulu wachibadwidwe, mayiko onse ayenera kuyimbidwa mlandu chifukwa chochita zinthu zopanda chilungamozi.

Ngakhale kuti boma lathu lakhala likupereka chithandizo chopanda malire ku boma la Israeli, mayendedwe athu ndi mabungwe athu nthawi zonse aziyima patsogolo ndi ufulu ndi chitetezo cha anthu.

Chifukwa chake, ife mabungwe omwe adasaina, tikukupemphani, mwaulamuliro wanu ngati Purezidenti kuti:

  1. Kudzudzula njira zopondereza za boma la Israeli komanso kampeni yowonjezereka yachigawenga komanso kuwopseza mabungwe aku Palestine ndi antchito awo ndi gulu lawo;
  2. Kukana zomwe boma la Israeli likuneneza zopanda umboni zomwe zaperekedwa kwa mabungwe a Palestina ndikupempha akuluakulu a Israeli kuti asiye mayina awo;
  3. Chitanipo kanthu mwaukazembe, mogwirizana ndi anzawo aku Europe, zomwe zimateteza mabungwe aku Palestine, antchito awo ndi bolodi, malo, ndi katundu wina;
  4. Pewani kuyika zopinga zilizonse kapena mfundo zomwe zingalepheretse kuchitapo kanthu mwachindunji pakati pa boma la US ndi mabungwe a Palestina, kapena kulepheretsa kumvetsetsa kwathunthu kwa anthu za kuopsa ndi zotsatira za kuponderezedwa kwa Israeli;
  5. Kuthetsa zoyesayesa za US kuti ziwononge ufulu wa anthu a Palestina ndi mabungwe a Palestina kuti azitsatira chilungamo ndi kuyankha mlandu, kuphatikizapo ku International Criminal Court;
  6. Onetsetsani kuti palibe zochita zomwe zimachitidwa ku federal level yomwe mwanjira iliyonse imabweretsa ndalama kuchokera kumabungwe aku US kapena anthu pawokha kupita ku mabungwe omwe aku Palestine; ndi
  7. Kuyimitsa ndalama zankhondo za US ku boma la Israeli ndikusiya zoyesayesa zilizonse zomwe zimapangitsa kuti dziko la Israeli likhale lopanda chilango chifukwa chakuphwanya kwakukulu kwa ufulu wa anthu omwe amadziwika padziko lonse lapansi.


Osaina Gulu lochokera ku US

Pezani Tsopano
Action Center pa Race & Economy
Adalah Justice Project
Kupititsa patsogolo Utsogoleri Wandale Wachibadwidwe
Al-Awda New York: Ufulu Waku Palestine Wobwereranso Mgwirizano
Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic, Yale Law School
Alliance for Water Justice ku Palestine
American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine
Komiti Yopereka Amishonale ku America
American Muslim Bar Association
Asilamu aku America aku Palestine (AMP)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Anthu aku America for Justice mu Palestine Action
Amnesty Mayiko USA
Arab Resource & Organising Center (AROC)
BackYrd Mishkan
Gulu Lokondedwa ku Gesu Catholic Church
Oyandikana nawo a Betelehemu a Mtendere
Black Liberation Party
Black Lives Matter Grassroots
Boston University International Human Rights Clinic
Brooklyn For Peace
Gulu Lokonzekera la Brooklyn Shabbat Kodesh
Butler University Ophunzira a Justice ku Palestine
California Scholars for Academic Freedom
Ntchito ya Catalyst
Mzinda wa Ufulu Wachibadwidwe
Center for Jewish Nonviolence
Central Jersey JVP
Charity & Security Network
Chavurah kwa Palestine Yaulere ya Sinagoge ya Kehilla
Ntchito Yamtendere ku Chicago Area
Ogwirizana Achikhristu ndi Achiyuda a Chilungamo ndi Mtendere mu Israeli / Palestine
Civil Liberties Defense Center
Komiti Yamtendere Wachilungamo ku Israel ndi Palestine
Bungwe la Communist Workers League
Mabanja Okhudzidwa aku Westchester
Corporate Accountability Lab
Corvallis Palestine Solidarity
Coulee Region Coalition for Palestinian Rights
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Msonkhano Wachikhalidwe ndi Mikangano
Dallas Palestine Coalition
Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights (DelPHR)
Demokalase ya Dziko Lachiarabu Tsopano (DAWN)
DSA Long Beach CA, Komiti Yoyang'anira
Osawombera Portland
East Bay Citizens for Peace
East Side Jewish Activist Collective
Edmonds Palestine Israel Network
Komiti ya Episcopal Bishop for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Diocese ya Olympia)
Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network
Equality Labs
Mboni yowona ndi maso Palestine
Nkhope Pamaso
Yesetsani Kumenyera Tsogolo
Anzake a Sabeel -Colorado
Anzake a Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
Anzake a MST (US)
Anzake a Wadi Foquin
Global Justice Center
Global Ministries a Christian Church (Ophunzira a Khristu) ndi United Church of Christ
Mgwirizano wapadziko lonse wa Grassroots
Grassroots International
Harvard Advocates for Human Rights
Komiti ya Hawaii Yoona za Ufulu Wachibadwidwe ku Philippines
Highlander Research & Education Center
Ahindu a Ufulu Wachibadwidwe
Ufulu Wanthu Choyamba
Human Rights Watch
ICNA Council for Social Justice
IfNotNow Los Angeles
Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
Institute for Policy Study, New Internationalism Project
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable
International Human Rights Clinic, Cornell Law School
International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School
International Human Rights Law Institute
International Network for Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Center Center of Islamophobia
Jahalin Solidarity
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere - Detroit
Voice Voice for Peace - North Carolina Triangle Chaputala
Jewish Voice for Peace - South Bay
Mawu Achiyuda Ochita Nkhondo
Jewish Voice for Peace ku yunivesite ya California, Los Angeles
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere Austin
Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area
Voice Voice for Peace Boston
Voice Voice for Peace Central Ohio
Voice for Peace yachiyuda DC-Metro
Voice for Peace Havurah Network
Voice Voice for Peace Hudson Valley Chapter
Voice for Peace Ithaca
Liwu Lachiyuda la Peace New Haven
Voice Voice for Peace New York City
Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council
Chiyuda cha Voice for Peace Seattle Chapter
Voice Voice for Peace South Florida
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere Vermont-New Hampshire
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere- Milwaukee
Voice Voice for Peace-Central New Jersey
Voice Voice for Peace-Chicago
Voice Voice for Peace-Los Angeles
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere, Chaputala cha Philadelphia
Jewish Voice for Peace, Albany, NY Chapter
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere, Los Angeles
Voice Voice for Peace, Portland OR mutu
Mawu Achiyuda a Mtendere, mutu wa Tacoma
Voice Voice for Peace, Tucson chapter
Ayuda ku Ufulu Wobwerera ku Palestina
Ayuda Akuti Ayi!
jmx zopanga
Just Peace Israel Palestine - Asheville
A Democrats Achilungamo
Chilungamo kwa Onse
Kairos Puget Sound Coalition
Kairos USA
Labor Fightback Network
Ntchito ku Palestina
Gulu la Achinyamata la Louisville
Lutheran for Justice in the Holy Land
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
MAIZ San Jose - Movimiento de Accion Inspirando Servicio
Maryland Peace Action
Massachusetts Peace Action
Kusintha Minyan
Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN)
Methodist Federation for Social Action
Kuyimitsa TSOPANO! Mgwirizano
Movement for Black Lives
Movement Law Lab
Kusintha kwa MPower
Muslim Counterpublics Lab
Muslim Justice League
Bungwe la National Lawyers
National Lawyers Guild, Detroit & Michigan Chapter
New Hampshire Palestine Education Network
Gulu la Newman Hall Non Violent Peacemaking Group
North New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America BDS ndi Palestine Solidarity Working Group
Occupy Bergen County (New Jersey)
Malingaliro a kampani Olive Branch Fair Trade Inc.
Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace (OMJP)
Palestine Legal
Palestine Solidarity Committee-Seattle
Gulu la Maphunziro a Palestine
Palestinian American Community Center
PATOIS: New Orleans International Human Rights Film Festival
Pax Christi Rhode Island
Chigwirizano cha Mtendere
Mtendere wa Maine
Mtendere Uchite Chigawo cha New York
Mtendere Action ya San Mateo County
Anthu a Chilungamo cha Palestine-Israel
Mpingo wa Presbyterian (USA)
Chiyanjano Cha Mtendere cha Presbyterian
Achikulire Achidemokera a ku America
Ayuda Opita Patsogolo a ku St. Louis (ProJoSTL)
Progressive Technology Project
Project South
Mtundu wa Crescent
Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice
RECCollective LLC
Kuganiziranso za Foreign Policy
Anthu Aku America Aku South America Akutsogolera (SAALT)
Ophunzira a Justice ku Palestine ku Rutgers - New Brunswick
Texas Arab American Democrats (TAAD)
Israel/Palestine Mission Network ya Presbyterian Church USA
The Jus Semper Global Alliance
United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society
Tree of Life Educational Fund
Tzedek Chicago Synagogue
US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)
Union Street Peace
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
Unitarian Universalists for Justice ku Middle East
United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
University Network for Human Rights
Kampeni ya US ya Ufulu wa Palestine (USCPR)
US Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
USA Palestine Mental Health Network
USC International Human Rights Clinic
Veterans For Peace Linus Pauling Chaputala 132
Virginia Coalition for Human Rights
Kuwona Palestine
Voices For Peace mwa INE
Washington Advocates for Palestinian Rights
Malingaliro a kampani WESPAC Foundation, Inc.
Whatcom Peace & Justice Center
Azungu a Anthu akuda
Kupambana Popanda Nkhondo
Akazi Olimbana ndi Nkhondo
Kugwira ntchito phwando
Yale Law School National Lawyers Guild

Osaina Bungwe Lapadziko Lonse

Maphunziro a Equality, Israel
Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Palestine
Al-Marsad - Arab rights Center ku Golan Heights Heights, analanda Golan waku Syria
ALTSEAN-Burma, Thailand
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies, Jordan
Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Bolivia (APDHB), Bolivia
Asociación pro derechos humanos de España, Spain
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos-APRODEH, Peru
Association Democratique des Femmes du Maroc, Morocco
Association tunisienne des femmes Democrats, Tunisia
Associazione delle organizzazioni Italy di cooperazione e solidarietà internazionale, Italy
Australian Center for International Justice, Australia
Bahrain Human Rights Society, Ufumu wa Bahrain
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Egypt
Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), Cambodia
Anthu aku Canada for Justice and Peace ku Middle East (CJPME), Canada
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador, El Salvador
Centro de Políticas Públicas ndi Derechos Humanos - Perú EQUIDAD, Peru
Child Rights International Network (CRIN), United Kingdom
Civil Society Institute, Armenia
Colectivo de Abogados JAR, Colombia
Comisión Mexicana de Defensa ndi Promoción de los Derechos Humanos, Mexico
Defense for Children International, Switzerland
DITSHWANELO – Botswana Center for Human Rights, Botswana
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Germany
Ufulu wa EuroMed, Denmark
European Legal Support Center (ELSC), United Kingdom
FAIR Associates, Indonesia
Bungwe la Finnish League for Human Rights, Finland
Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Économiques et Sociaux, Tunisia
Fundación Regional de Asesoría en Derechos Humanos, Ecuador
Housing and Land Rights Network - Habitat International Coalition, Switzerland / Egypt
HRM "Bir Duino-Kyrgyzstan", Kyrgyzstan
Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Canada
Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad ndi Derecho Alternativos ILSA, Colombia
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), mkati mwa dongosolo la Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, France
International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific), Malaysia
Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte, Germany
Jewish Liberation Theology Institute, Canada
Justina Global, Brazil
Chilungamo kwa Onse, Canada
Komiti ya Ufulu Wachibadwidwe ku Latvia, Latvia
LDH (Ligue des droits de l'Homme), France
League for the Defense of Human Rights ku Iran (LDHI), Iran
Ligue des droits humans, Belgium
Maldivian Democracy Network, Maldives
Manushya Foundation, Thailand
Bungwe la Morocco la Ufulu Wachibadwidwe OMDH, Morocco
Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos - MNDH, Brazil
Observatorio Ciudadano, Chile
Odhikar, Bangladesh
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Palestine
Piattaforma delle Ong Italy ku Mediterraneo ndi Medio Oriente, Italy
Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos (Provea), Venezuela
Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO), Malawi
Réseau des avocats du maroc contre la peine de mort, Morocco
Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH), Haiti
Rinascimento Green, Italy
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Jerusalem
Asayansi a ku Palestine (S4P), United Kingdom
Kutumikira Padziko Lonse / Mpingo wa Evangelical Covenant, mayiko
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression SCM, France
Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy, Palestine
Bungwe la Palestine Human Rights Organisation "PHRO", Lebanon
Union of Agricultural Work Communities, Palestine
Vento di Terra, Italy
World BEYOND War, mayiko
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), mkati mwa dongosolo la Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, mayiko
Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, Zimbabwe

Siyani Mumakonda

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