Divest Canada's Pension Plan

"Kodi CPPIB Ndi Chiyani Kwenikweni?"


Tikuchita kampeni yoti tichotse dongosolo la Canada Pension Plan kwa opanga zida, mafuta oyaka, komanso ophwanya ufulu wa anthu padziko lonse lapansi.

Currently, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) manages $ Biliyoni 421 on behalf of over 20 million working and retired Canadians. It is one of the largest pension funds in the world. Because of its size and influence, how the CPP invests our retirement dollars is a major factor in which industries thrive and which recede in the decades to come.

The CPP has $ Biliyoni 21.72 adayikidwa m'makampani opanga mafuta opangira mafuta okha komanso mobwerezabwereza $ Miliyoni 870 in global weapons dealers. This includes $76 million invested in Lockheed Martin, $38 million in Northrop Grumman, and $70 million in Boeing.

As of March 31, 2022, the Canada Pension Plan had $ Miliyoni 524 adayika ndalama m'makampani 11 mwa 112 omwe adalembedwa mu UN Database as complicit with Israeli violations of international law.

The CPP’s influence not only provides core financial support to global weapons dealers directly benefiting from war, it also provides social license to the military-industrial complex and disincentivizes moves to peace.

Click to watch a video showing community members demanding answers from CPP leadership about their investments in companies that violate international and Canadian law and may be complicit in war crimes.

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