Christine Ahn, membala wa Advisory Board

Christine Ahn ndi membala wa Advisory Board of World BEYOND War. Iye amakhala ku Hawaii. Christine ndiye adalandira Mphoto Yamtendere ya US 2020. Iye ndiye woyambitsa ndi wotsogolera wapadziko lonse wa Women Cross DMZ, gulu lapadziko lonse la amayi olimbikitsa kuthetsa Nkhondo yaku Korea, kugwirizanitsanso mabanja, ndikuwonetsetsa utsogoleri wa azimayi pakumanga mtendere. Mu 2015, adatsogolera azimayi amitundu yonse opanga mtendere padziko lonse la De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) kuchokera ku North Korea kupita ku South Korea. Adayenda ndi azimayi aku Korea aku 30 mbali zonse za DMZ ndipo adachita zokambirana zamtendere za amayi ku Pyongyang ndi Seoul komwe adakambirana momwe angathetsere nkhondoyi.

Christine ndiwonso woyambitsa wa Korea Policy InstitutePulogalamu Yadziko Lonse Yopulumutsira Chilumba cha JejuNkhondo Yadziko Yothetsa Nkhondo Yachi Koreandipo Korea Peace Network. Iye waonekera ku Aljazeera, Anderson Cooper wa 360, CBC, BBC, Demokarasi Tsopano !, NBC Today Show, NPR, ndi Samantha Bee. Ahn op-eds adapezeka The New York TimesSan Francisco Chronicle, CNN, Fortune, Hill, ndi Nation. Christine adalankhula ku United Nations, US Congress, ndi ROK National Human Rights Commission, ndipo wapanga nthumwi za mtendere ndi kuthandiza anthu ku North ndi South Korea.

Tanthauzirani ku Chilankhulo Chilichonse