Alice Slater, membala wa Board

Alice Slater membala wa Board of Directors of World BEYOND War. Iye amakhala ku New York City. Alice ndi Woimira UN NGO wa Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Iye ali pa Board of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Global Council of Abolition 2000, ndi Advisory Board of Nuclear Ban-US, akuthandizira ntchito ya International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons yomwe idapambana Nobel ya 2017. Mphotho Yamtendere chifukwa cha ntchito yake yokwaniritsa zokambirana za UN za Pangano la Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Anayamba kufunafuna mtendere padziko lapansi kwanthawi yayitali ngati mayi wapanyumba, pomwe adapanga chisankho cha Eugene McCarthy pankhondo yosaloledwa ya Johnson ku Vietnam mdera lawo. Monga membala wa Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control, adapita ku Russia ndi China pa nthumwi zambiri zomwe zidathetsa mpikisano wa zida ndikuletsa bomba. Iye ndi membala wa NYC Bar Association ndipo akutumikira pa Peoples Climate Committee-NYC, akugwira ntchito ku 100% Green Energy ndi 2030. Iye walemba zolemba zambiri ndi op-eds, ndi kuwonekera kawirikawiri pa TV m'deralo ndi dziko.


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