No War 2016 Agenda

Friday and Saturday events will be livestreamed at and videos posted there within three days after.

There is no more room to register to attend or to allow anyone in who is not registered.

You can, however, sign up for the protest at the Pentagon on September 26th here.

Registered and need help finding the event? GO HERE.

Speakers.                     Main page.                Color flyer.                  Black and white flyer.

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(All sessions include as much Q&A as possible.)

Friday, September 23
Washington, D.C., American University, School of International Studies, Founders Room

12:00 p.m. ET Strategies to End War:
MC: Leah Bolger
1. Brenna Gautam
2. David Cortright
3. Patrick Hiller

1:45 p.m. Ending War and Patriarchy:
MC: Brienne Kordis
1. Barbara Wien
2. Kozue Akibayashi

2:45 p.m. Remaking the Mass Media for Peace.
MC: David Swanson
1. Sam Husseini
2. Christopher Simpson
3. Gareth Porter

4:00 p.m. Capitalism and transition to Peace Economy:
MC: David Hartsough
1. Gar Alperovitz
2.  Jodie Evans

5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. The Racism of War
MC: Robert Fantina
Includes 26-min film: Crisis in the Congo during dinner (Dinner provided to registered participants)
1. Maurice Carney
2. Kimberley L. Phillips
3. Bill Fletcher Jr.
4. Darakshan Raja

A note to night owls: From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ET, wherever you are, you can watch a livestream event from our allies in Malaysia.

Saturday, September 24
American University, School of International Studies, Founders Room

9:00 a.m. Ending War: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Introduction: Leah Bolger
Speaker: David Hartsough

9:15 a.m. War Isn’t Working, and It Isn’t Necessary. Why we need complete abolition, even of humanitarian wars.
MC: David Swanson
1. David Swanson
2. Leah Bolger
3. Dennis Kucinich.

10:15 a.m. Diplomacy, Aid, and Nonviolent Peacekeeping and Protection
MC: Patrick Hiller
1. Kathy Kelly
2. Mel Duncan
3. Craig Murray

11:15 a.m. break

11:30 a.m. Disarmament, and Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
MC: Alice Slater
1. Lindsey German and Jeremy Corbyn (by video)
2. Ira Helfand
3. Odile Hugonot Haber

12:30 p.m. Closing Bases.
MC: Leah Bolger
1. David Vine
2. Kozue Akibayashi

1:30 p.m. lunch, with remarks on Protecting the Environment from War by  Ending War (Lunch provided to registered participants)
Introduction: David Swanson
Speaker: Harvey Wasserman

2:30 p.m. Changing War Culture to Peace Culture.
MC: David Hartsough
1. Michael McPhearson
2. John Dear
3. Maria Santelli

3:30 p.m. International Law. Can War Makers Be Held Accountable? Can We Achieve Truth and Reconciliation?
MC: Kathleen Kirwin
1. Jeff Bachman
2. Maja Groff
3. Michelle Kwak

4:30 p.m. Break

4:45 p.m. Demonstrations, Direct Action, Resistance and Counter-Recruitment
MC: Brienne Kordis
1. Medea Benjamin
2. Pat Elder
3. Mark Engler

5:45 p.m. Dinner and screening of Peter Kuznick’s and Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States (Dinner provided to registered participants)
MC: Peter Kuznick
6:45-7:30 Peter Kuznick and Gar Alperovitz — Remarks and Q&A

Sunday, September 25

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Nonviolent Action: Getting to Work.
American University, School of International Studies, Founders Room
MC: Robert Fantina
1. Miriam Pemberton
2. Mubarak Awad
3. Bruce Gagnon

Plus 3-minute presentations by leaders of workshops to follow lunch.

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. lunch (Lunch provided to registered participants)
American University, School of International Studies

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Simultaneous Workshops
American University, School of International Service, rooms as indicated below. All these rooms have either a projector or a screen to show powerpoints or other materials from a laptop. Workshops can be moved outdoors at discretion of organizers depending on weather. Room assignments are subject to change based on number of participants in each workshop.

1. Closing Bases. — David Vine. — in SIS Room 113 (seats 32)
2. Bringing United States into the International Criminal Court. — John Washburn. — in SIS Room 300 (seats 25)
3. Resistance, Ending the Draft, Countering Recruitment, Creating Free College. — Maria Santelli, Pat Elder, Pat Alviso. — in SIS Room 333 (seats 40)
4. Abolishing Nuclear Weapons. — John Reuwer, Ira Helfand, Lilly Daigle. — in SIS 233 (seats 40)
5. Freeing Palestine / Young People Organizing for Peace. — Raed Jarrar, Alli McCracken, Taylor Piepenhagen. — in SIS Room 120 (seats 56)
6. Improving the Alternative Global Security Strategy. — Patrick Hiller. — in SIS Room 348 (seats 14) and in SIS Room 349 (seats 14)
7. Building Friendship Between the United States and Russia. — Kathy Kelly, Bob Spies, and Jan Hartsough. — in SIS Room 102 (seats 48)

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Planning/Training Session for the Next Day’s Nonviolent Action
American University Kay Center Chapel

National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR)describes the action in these terms: “A world beyond war will take long-term work utilizing new strategies and relinquishing our old ways of seeking peace which have relied on violence and war. We must stand up to those in power who continue to lead us on a path towards more war. We have reached a point in which we can no longer afford massive military budgets, plans for future war, and war games certainly preparing us for war. This is no longer sustainable in so many ways. Poverty, climate crisis, environmental destruction, and violations of international law can no longer be accepted as the new normal for our world. Because war is so intimately linked to poverty and the threat to Mother Earth we must take a stand at The Pentagon on September 26, 2016. The Pentagon is the one place that is the embodiment of the connection between United States foreign and military policies and the war profiteers who threaten all life on this planet. We call upon people of conscience to join us in a witness for peace, risking arrest, calling for an end to war.
On the 26th there will be an opportunity for others, not able to risk arrest, to join us at The Pentagon.”
For more information contact Malachy Kilbride at

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Presentation of 2016 Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence to John Kiriakou, by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence
American University, Kay Center Chapel
Speakers: Larry Wilkerson, Thomas Drake, Larry Johnson, John Kiriakou, Craig Murray, and Phil Giraldi.
Details here.

4-5:30 PM

[opening piano music by Tom Dickinson]

4:00 – Welcome to Sam Adams Associates for Integrity Intelligence (SAAII) annual award ceremony by SAAII co-founder Ray McGovern, peace & justice advocate and former CIA Presidential Briefer

4:05 – 4:10 Master of Ceremonies Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan & 2005 Sam Adams Award recipient

4:10 – 4:15  Thomas Drake, former NSA Senior Executive

4:15 – 4:20  Larry Wilkerson, Col., U.S. Army (ret); Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell

4:20 – 4:25  Larry Johnson, CIA and State Dept. (ret.)

4:25 – 4:30  Philip Giraldi , CIA Operations Officer (ret.)

4:30-4:35 Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council and former CIA political analyst (ret.)

4:35 to 4:50 Ambassador Craig Murray speech

4:50- 5:05 Joint reading of Sam Adams Award Citation for John Kiriakou by Elizabeth Murray and Coleen Rowley, 2002 Sam Adams Award recipient & former FBI attorney

•    [Tom Dickinson piano music]  John accepts Sam Adams Citation and Corner-Brightener award

5:10 to 5:20  John Kiriakou acceptance speech

5:20 to 5:25  Ray McGovern acknowledgment and thanks to Busboys and Poets owner and social activist Andy Shallal for generous donation to the Sam Adams Associates

5:25-5:30  Adjournment (Craig Murray)

5:30-6:00 Reception  (Kay Lounge)



5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sam Adams Award Reception (hors d’oevres provided)
American University, Kay Center Lounge

Separate from the conference, we recommend this screening of Paying the Price for Peace: The Story of S. Brian Willson at 7 p.m. at 2111 Florida Ave NW Washington, DC.

Monday, September 26, Morning

Nonviolent Action at Pentagon at 9:00 a.m.
Our gathering will begin outside The Pentagon near the top of the Metro subway escalators (the Pentagon stop) next to the bus bay. Bring your signs and banners and join our spirited nonviolent witness against war!

Here’s why. We will also be delivering to the Pentagon a petition to close Ramstein Air Base in Germany, as U.S. whistleblowers and Germans together deliver it to the German government in Berlin.

This action is one of over 650 nonviolent actions planned around the country this week. See the Campaign Nonviolence Week of Actions. And see World Beyond War’s events page.

Main page.

Register to attend.

Photos and bios of all speakers.

14 Responses

  1. Hello, David & Angela,

    We staying for the nonviolent action (even as supporters only) don’t know its timeframe.

    What do you suggest as time to catch airline flight home?…
    Or should we wait a month or so for you to plan it all?

    Helen Alexander
    Sacramento, CA

  2. Seems like a speaker/workshop on the militarization of schools would be appropriate. The plutocracy spends over $600M/yr promoting the military and “teaching” us that conflict resolution by violence is the “American Way”. Youth are the prime focus of their efforts.

    Our initiative in Chicago is Education Not Militarization. See the web site above and DeMilitarizeCPS on Facebook and Twitter.

    1. Pat Elder will likely be speaking to one aspect of Counter recruitmentr which is ASVAB and option 8 policy adoption by school districts but, of course, this is not enough. School militarization by primary and secondary schools by Pentagon programs is on the increase and the peace movement has not adopted the principled practice of flyring students every year as they enter their school year about the full risks of military service and the contradictions of military recruitment appeals as school districts provide unsupervised access to military recruiters on campuses across the country. Increasingly, counter-recruiters that have gained access to table inside of schools alongside of military recruiters are being denied access and increased activism is needed to inform students, school officials and staff, and parents of the dangers of the escalating militarization of students.

  3. Wonderful and interesting seminar !
    In Norway many NGOs will launch the project “Peace department” or “Department of Peace” – also at the IPB conference in Berlin. Hopefully more countries will catch up with the idea – for more Peace culture and Nonviolence

  4. Please I would appreciate any help to get there, contact me Twitter at Meadows_Marin or at mycampaign2014 Thanks a lot…also review my pages and share.

  5. In looking over the agenda,I noticed the absence Syria.
    A STOP REGIME CHANGE IN SYRIA movement could be very effective because it is timely and could really make a difference. And if all peace groups worked together, with petition, and a constant barrage of phone calls and emails, PROBABLY ACHIEVABLE!
    Looking over areas of interest/action in various peace groups, I notice little concern over Syria, other than Assad is bad.
    Syria is so complex, but the US started it, and could stop it by acknowledging that to bring peace to Syria, it, the US needs to work with Assad,and that the Syrians need to determine their own future.
    I am truly shocked and depressed that peace activists ignore Syria, when this is one area where they could really make a difference… right now
    Last November I did a billboard with a pix of the drowned toddler and regime change again and consequences…
    While being computer challenged, I did a website with links to articles from varied sources for understanding the Syrian conflict: http://www.syria-infoandaction

    I will probably do a rootsaction petition to call for President Obama to work with Assad for peace in Syria…
    in my casual searching I have not found one.

    I like World Beyond War’s ideas… but give Syria saome attention.

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