Introductory text goes here.
Built with © Mapbox and © OpenStreetMap by World BEYOND War.
This visual database was researched and developed by World BEYOND War to help journalists, activists, researchers and individual readers understand the immense problem of excessive preparation for war, which inevitably leads to international bullying, meddling, threats, escalation and mass atrocity. By illustrating the extent of USA’s empire of military outposts, we hope to call attention to the wider problem. Thanks to for a variety of information included herein.
We are constantly working to update the categorization of nations, as nations change. Please send us your comments and information. We define the types we’ve used as follows:
Representative Democracy: has a relatively high level of self-governance and civil liberties.
Flawed Democracy: has some minimal level of self-governance and civil liberties.
Hybrid: has some formal structure and pretense or aspiration for representative government.
Authoritarian: has dropped any serious pretense of representation or respect for groups or individuals.
Brutally Oppressive: abusive of power without regard to popular will or protection of individuals.
Colonies: governed from abroad without representation by the foreign government.
A U.S.-Only Base is used only by U.S. troops, whereas a Co-Base is also used by the military of the host country, and a Training Base is primarily a host-country base but is regularly used by the U.S. military to train the local military.
Please help spread the word that information about USA’s military empire is available to the public.
This database is a work in progress, using information gathered from various public data sources. If you see errors or omissions, please let us know.
World BEYOND War is seeking funding to continue the research, data collection and software development for this project and other related map/database projects highlighting the problems of global militarization. We hope to improve this app in the following three ways:
Include More Countries
The current version only includes data about USA’s foreign military outposts, but future versions of this app will include information about foreign military bases maintained by all nations.
Increased Scope of Information About Each Base
Much information is available about the effect of foreign military bases on local communities and populations. We hope to track more data points covering more aspects of the severe problems caused by these military outposts.
Software Enhancement
World BEYOND War hopes to continue to produce original, high-quality, information-rich presentations for the use of the global antiwar movement. This requires investment in coding and UX skills. We are seeking funding to improve this app, customize it for different types of screens, and allow us to build more information-rich presentations of various kinds.
Please become a World BEYOND War donor to support this and other projects. If you would like to sponsor or become a contributor to our Close Military Bases activities, please contact us.
Learn more about bases and our campaign to close them here.
Why We Built This Database
This visual database was researched and developed by World BEYOND War to help journalists, activists, researchers and individual readers understand the immense problem of excessive preparation for war, which inevitably leads to international bullying, meddling, threats, escalation and mass atrocity. By illustrating the extent of USA’s empire of military outposts, we hope to call attention to the wider problem. Thanks to for a variety of information included herein.
Government Types
We are constantly working to update the categorization of nations, as nations change. Please send us your comments and information. We define the types we’ve used as follows:
Representative Democracy: has a relatively high level of self-governance and civil liberties.
Flawed Democracy: has some minimal level of self-governance and civil liberties.
Hybrid: has some formal structure and pretense or aspiration for representative government.
Authoritarian: has dropped any serious pretense of representation or respect for groups or individuals.
Brutally Oppressive: abusive of power without regard to popular will or protection of individuals.
Colonies: governed from abroad without representation by the foreign government.
Base Usage
A U.S.-Only Base is used only by U.S. troops, whereas a Co-Base is also used by the military of the host country, and a Training Base is primarily a host-country base but is regularly used by the U.S. military to train the local military.
How You Can Help
Please help spread the word that information about USA’s military empire is available to the public.
This database is a work in progress, using information gathered from various public data sources. If you see errors or omissions, please let us know.
World BEYOND War is seeking funding to continue the research, data collection and software development for this project and other related map/database projects highlighting the problems of global militarization. We hope to improve this app in the following three ways:
Include More Countries
The current version only includes data about USA’s foreign military outposts, but future versions of this app will include information about foreign military bases maintained by all nations.
Increased Scope of Information About Each Base
Much information is available about the effect of foreign military bases on local communities and populations. We hope to track more data points covering more aspects of the severe problems caused by these military outposts.
Software Enhancement
World BEYOND War hopes to continue to produce original, high-quality, information-rich presentations for the use of the global antiwar movement. This requires investment in coding and UX skills. We are seeking funding to improve this app, customize it for different types of screens, and allow us to build more information-rich presentations of various kinds.
Please become a World BEYOND War donor to support this and other projects. If you would like to sponsor or become a contributor to our Close Military Bases activities, please contact us.
Learn more about bases and our campaign to close them here.