Divest Cville Responses to Possible Objections

Main Divest Cville page.

Does Charlottesville really have investments in weapons dealers and fossil fuel producers?

Yes. Here’s Cville kwa izu isiokwu re fossil fuels. Here’s a ndepụta of investments provided by the City that includes obvious weapons dealers like Boeing and Honeywell. Here’s more ọmụma from the City.

But I know of products those companies make that are not weapons. What gives?

Boeing is the second biggest Pentagon contractor and one of the biggest dealers of weaponry to brutal dictatorships around the world, such as Saudi Arabia. Honeywell is a major weapons dealer.

Can Charlottesville do this?

Yes, Charlottesville divested from South Africa, and more recently from Sudan. Charlottesville has urged state and federal governments in recent years to take actions on wars, drones, and budgetary priorities. Charlottesville can and should act on national and global issues, but this issue is local. It’s our local money, and our locality is impacted by war, war culture, gun sales, and climate destruction. Berkeley, Calif., recently gafere nkwụsị site na ngwá agha. New York City ewepụtawo ya, ọ gafewokwa na mmiri ọkụ, dịka enwere obodo ndị ọzọ (na mba dị iche iche!)

Can Charlottesville do this and not lose money?

Setting aside the dubious morality and legality of such a question, and noting the responsibility of the City government not to endanger the lives of residents by investing in the destruction of a habitable climate and in the proliferation of weapons, the answer to the question is yes. Here is a helpful isiokwu. Lee ọzọ.

Should Charlottesville do even more that we are asking for?

There are unlimited ways in which investments can be made less unethical. Further categories of bad investments could be banned. Proactive efforts to invest in the most ethical places could be required and taken. We have no objections to going further, but are asking for what we see as the most important minimum standards.

Aren’t the environment and weapons two different things?

Of course, and we have no objection to creating two resolutions instead of one, but we believe that one makes the most sense as it accomplishes the further public good of highlighting the numerous connections between the two areas (as detailed in the resolution on the main Divest Cville page na Ebe a).

Shouldn’t Charlottesville stop sticking its nose into important matters?

The most common objection to local resolutions on national or global topics, which this could be construed as at a stretch, is that it is not a proper role for a locality. This objection is easily refuted. Passing such a resolution is a moment’s work that costs a locality no resources.

Ndị America kwesịrị ịbụ ndị nọchitere anya na Congress. Ndi ochichi obodo ha na ndi ochichi ha kwesiri ichochite ha na Congress. Onye nnọchianya nọ na Congress na-anọchite anya ndị 650,000 - ọrụ na-agaghị ekwe omume. Ndị isi obodo ndị isi obodo na United States na-aṅụ iyi nke ụlọ ọrụ na-ekwe nkwa ịkwado iwu US. Ndi nnochite anya ndi gomenti na ndi ochichi di elu bu otu n'ime ha si eme nke a.

Obodo ukwu na obodo niile na-ezigara ndị nnọchianya akwụkwọ niile maka arịrịọ niile. A na-ahapụ nke a n'okpuru Nkọwa 3, Iwu XII, Nkebi nke 819, nke Iwu nke Ụlọ Ndị Nnọchiteanya. A na-eji usoro a anabatara arịrịọ site na obodo, na ihe ncheta si na steeti, na gburugburu America. Edobere nke a na akwụkwọ Jefferson, bụ akwụkwọ iwu maka Ụlọ nke Thomas Jefferson dere maka Senate.

Na 1798, ndị omeiwu nke Virginia State kwadoro mkpebi site na iji okwu Thomas Jefferson katọọ iwu gọọmenti etiti na-akwado France.

Na 1967, ụlọ ikpe dị na California chịrị (Farley v. Healey, 67 Cal.2d 325) maka ọdịmma nke ụmụ amaala idebe akwụkwọ nchịkọta na ntinye aka megide agha Vietnam, na-achị: "Dị ka ndị nnọchianya nke obodo, ndị nlekọta nchịkwa na ndị isi obodo na-emekarị nkwupụta nke iwu maka ihe ndị na-echebara obodo ahụ anya ma ha nwere ikike iji mee ka nkwupụta ndị dị otú ahụ site n'iwu iwu. N'ezie, otu n'ime ebumnuche nke gọọmenti obodo bụ iji gosipụta ụmụ amaala ya n'ihu Congress, ndị omeiwu, na ụlọ ọrụ nhazi na ihe ndị ọchịchị na-enweghị ike. Ọbụna n'okwu gbasara iwu mba ọzọ, ọ bụ ihe ọhụrụ na-eme ka ndị omebe iwu obodo ahụ mara ọkwa ha. "

Ndị na-eme ihe ike na-agafe iwu obodo megide iwu ndị US gbasara ịgba ohu. Òtù ndị omekome ahụ mere otu ihe ahụ, dịka otu nnwere onwe nuklia na-arụ ọrụ, usoro ahụ megide PATRIOT Act, mmegharị na-akwado Kyoto Protocol (nke gụnyere ma ọ dịkarịa ala obodo 740), wdg. arụ ọrụ obodo na nsogbu mba na mba.

Karen Dolan nke Cities for Peace na-ede, sị: "Otu ihe atụ kachasị nke ụmụ amaala na-emetụta ọchịchị gọọmentị emetụtala ma mba United States na usoro ụwa bụ ihe atụ nke mkpọsa nke nchịkọta obodo nke na-emegide ma Apartheid na South Africa, nakwa, n'ụzọ dị irè, iwu Reagan nke mba ọzọ "Mmekorita aka nke oma" na South Africa. Ka nrụgide nke ime obodo na nke ụwa na-eme ka ọchịchị Gọọmenti dị na South Africa kwụsị, nchịkọta mkpọsa obodo na United States jupụtara na nrụgide ma nyere aka mee ka mmeri nke Usoro Ngwakọta Ngwakọta nke 1986 merie. A rụzuru ihe a dị ịrịba ama n'agbanyeghị na Reagan veto na mgbe Senate nọ na Republican aka. Mmetụta ndị ndị na-iwu iwu mba si n'aka 14 US na-ekwu ma na nso obodo 100 US nke si na South Africa gbapụ mere oké egwu. N'ime izu atọ nke veto override, IBM na General Motors kwukwara na ha na-ahapụ South Africa. "

Main Divest Cville page.

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