Category: North America

Video: Never Forget: 9/11 and the 20 Year War of Terror

We’ll hear testimonials from: John Kiriakou, Vijay Prashad, Sam Al-Arian, Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Assal Rad, David Swanson, Kathy Kelly, Matthew Hoh, Danny Sjursen, Kevin Danaher, Ray McGovern, Mickey Huff, Chris Agee, Norman Solomon, Pat Alviso, Rick Jahnkow, Larry Wilkerson, and Moustafa Bayoumi.

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Why Meng Wanzhou Should Be Released Now!

By releasing Meng today, Canada could show a measure of independence of foreign policy and begin to restore friendly political and economic relations with the People’s Republic of China, our second-largest trading partner, for the mutual benefit of the Canadian and Chinese peoples.

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