Category: North America

Elizabeth Samet Thinks She Already Found the Good War

To call Looking For the Good War a critique of the idea of the good war requires defining “good,” not as necessary or justified (which ought to be all one could hope — though one would be wrong — for mass murder), but as beautiful and wonderful and marvelous and superhuman.

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Webinar Video: War Is Not Green — But Our Cities Can Be!

CODEPINK and World BEYOND War join the Global Center for Climate Justice to teach audience members and answer questions about: Finding your local government’s budget & divestment resources, checking their investments for fossil fuels and the war machine, and the power of cities to re-invest our money in a climate-just-peace economy.

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New York City joins ICAN Cities Appeal

The comprehensive legislation adopted by New York City Council on 9 December 2021, calls on NYC to divest from nuclear weapons, establishes a committee responsible for programming and policy related to NYC’s status as a nuclear-weapons-free zone, and calls on the US government to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

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Ten Contradictions That Plague Biden’s Democracy Summit

The greater possible value of this gathering of 111 countries is that it could instead serve as an “intervention,” or an opportunity for people and governments around the world to express their concerns about the flaws in U.S. democracy and the undemocratic way the United States deals with the rest of the world.

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